Reviews for The Elfin Cycle VI: Dragon-Cursed
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 57 . 3/31/2015
Just as enjoyable as I remembered. Was just itching for a little Nuada, to take my mind off things. Hopefully I can track down a few more of his fics, as well.
heather schmidt chapter 57 . 3/1/2015
I love this storry. Its getting good. I cant wait for the next chapter
AidansQueen chapter 57 . 2/22/2015
Please update soon that was so awesome!
CrazyNorwegian chapter 57 . 2/19/2015
Yay! Update! :D Was beginning to miss this story, so I grinned from ear to ear when i checked my email this morning, and saw that there was a chapter update! Fantastic writing, as usual. Started re-reading Dragon Cursed fromt he beginning, a few days ago, and I am as captivated by the story now, as I was the first time I read it. The relationship between Nuada and Elfraine is so interesting, and you write it so beautifully. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, and also looking forward to reading more of your other Nuada/Elfraine fics! :) Keep up the good work!
Flint and Feather chapter 57 . 2/18/2015
Though 13 year old Nuala does nothing harmful, shameful or underhanded in setting up Nuada to look like a boorish boy in front of Cuar, she's too young to anticipate that Nuada would magnify his own feelings of embarrassment out of all proportion. The naming in Gaelic of locations, festivals, social structures and personages imparts a full-dimensional historical feel. While relating these stories of his youthful past to Elfraine, Nuada unearths lessons that he hadn't previously appreciated the value of. She is able to bring these out for him.

Elfraine well understands that Nuada will thrive on her genuine admiration and is lavish with it. Her comments as she interrupts his storytelling no longer annoy him, but do tend to work amusingly against her. No matter what his promise, she may never again rest easy about 'spiders'! Nuada and Elfraine are such a passionate couple - always strengthening their emotional and mental mutuality, which leads to other expressions of deliciousness.

An observation on the conjured hordes of birds - Nuada could have caused the overall 'whitewashing of Bethmoora'. Had he brought cormorants, it would have been the 'withering of'.
Guest chapter 38 . 12/25/2014
Loving the story..please do more chapters!
DarkenedRosepetals chapter 56 . 11/16/2014
I was so happy to see this update!

I like that you took the time to explore the more gentle side of Nuada with the children. I know they aren't his favorite people but I was glad to see that he has some heart and kindness left within him. I feel like in the time that he has spent with Elfraine, has softened him. ..not to say that he was heartless before her. But he has seen some things in his life that has all but stolen his joy. Even in his distaste for the humans, and Hell boy he wouldn't see harm come to children.

So many fics make Nuada to be this egotistical pig that is just overall unlikeable. In the beginning it's alright, because we as an audience know about Nuada's story and what drives him, but it's also refreshing to see the man that's under all of the armor. You've managed to make him not only a gentleman but a man with humor. You capture him so well without taking away from his character.

Chapters like these are what in my opinion makes the story easy to read. You're such a good writer that even though your filling in some blanks for us in the story lines and building up to the plot, it's still a pleasure to read. The little scene with the children was just darling.

Please keep up the goodwork! I hope all is well on your side of the world.

Flint and Feather chapter 56 . 11/16/2014
Though Nuada may not have counted on spending such a period of time with Hellboy and family after the four unexpectedly broke in on his privacy with Elfraine, the toddler twins had to be, and were suitably indulged by all adults present, and won the 'day'. The pure fact that Nuada reacted to save little Daman's life, is nothing he could ever have cause to regret. He'd expect no less of himself and neither would Elfraine. It may have no importance further on, but Hellboy's hatred for the prince could have softened a bit, for now- unless and until the two find themselves again pitched as adversaries in matters of clashing, crucial objectives. The men retained their characters and inner attitudes toward each other while allowing themselves to be constrained to appear as minimally cooperative as the situation called for.

With the night's heroism appreciated and a short, unintended and eventually positive interval passed with the demon's family, Nuada enjoys frustrating Elfraine with evasive answers to the questions she had earlier put to him before the interruption. It's expected that Nuada will in his own time, but soon, satisfy her curiosity about the Midsummer ride of the Faerie Court.

Each scene's tension is imbued with variations of amusing lightness, as well!
Deep Blue Dragon chapter 55 . 10/29/2014
What a wonderful chapter. I was trilled to see that you had updated. Once again ur writing has come to life. I feel as if I'm there watching everything as it unfolds. Please undate again soon
Flint and Feather chapter 55 . 10/17/2014
It's certain that Nuada simply wouldn't be able to cope with the impact of his recent emotional deluges and regain equilibrium, without Elfraine. It seems that he's more solidly arrived at the realization of how she supports and repairs those shattered areas and enables perspective in him. And he accepts as she most lovingly coaxes him into the relief of a shared lighthearted interlude. They've already discovered that some of their life events have happened to cross paths in the distant past. Above all, she understands that he must be who he is, while showing him that there are more means of strength by which he'll live on through the tragedies that will always be a part of him.

Nuada is still quick to anger, and Elfraine's every utterance to which he takes offense must be ruthlessly analyzed to his satisfaction, but she's reached a point of no longer fearing him and claims her right to tell him when he's gone too far. She also is a confident instigator of passion, now that any rifts are quickly put aside.

While preparing to enjoy the clandestine charm of their rooftop dalliance, Elfraine and Nuada would not have expected the interference of Hellboy's toddler!
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 55 . 10/16/2014
What s surprise, it was spying this beauty waiting in my inbox. You haven't lost anything, in the interim, since last you've updated. I hope you'll continue tame this monster of a tale into chapters, because its simply too cherished to see disappear. I really am enjoying every word, even if I have to do a little research in the middle. I feel like I'm learning more terms & their context than ever before. Certainly more meaningful, than just reading up on the subjects in literature class, I'd say.
DarkenedRosepetals chapter 55 . 10/16/2014
Hello, there!

Let me first say that I squealed like a little girl when I saw that there was a new chapter! My goodness, I have re-read this story over at least twice and have been anticipating an update. Seriously, that is just how good this story is. I can honestly say that each time I read it, I have like a deeper insight of the characters.

This chapter was a lot of different things. It was sweet, hilarious and kind of sad in the beginning. I enjoyed the swirling emotions that Nuada gave off. Between the lost of a son he never knew, and then there's that sad emotion of his quiet love for Elfraine. It's at the tip of his tongue, but he just won't let it come out. I like the underlining confession that hangs in between Nuada and Elfraine. Sure they haven't known each other for a very long time. And considering their attitude toward one another in the beginning, they've certainly come a long way.

The hilarious part comes in when Elfraine is imagining Nuada on a horse naked. He literally had to shake her back to reality, which had me laughing out loud.

The end had me on the edge. If I had any finger nails left, I would have bit them off. I can not wait for the next chapter to see what happens next!

Please Keep Up the good work! This is one of the few fanfics I look forward to reading for Hellboy 2. You are really a fantastic in your story telling. I also appreciate the references that you make at the very end too.
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 54 . 8/1/2014
What a chapter! I was heart broken, more when reading their final rites, than their deaths. There was something so much more beautiful, in their funeral service. You captured the emotion perfectly. Doing justice to the memory of Azenzier. I'm so enthralled with the detail, & level of granduer of this story. Please continue.
Flint and Feather chapter 54 . 4/25/2014
This is a magnificent chapter of horribly grueling back story that brings to light all that Nuada and his people have suffered over human actions in his past. Those revelations leave no wondering why he's taken on his mission with such lasting determination, culminating with his frustration over the loss of the Golden Army. That the Romans would have been one faction of many invaders to the elves' territories is an apt inclusion. At their best, those forces proved unbeatable, and as Nuada saw some elven prisoners cut to pieces and used as tiger bait in the aftermath, his hatred could have been nothing but fortified.
And it's as rending for Elfraine to bring forth her memories of her life under the oppression of Resid, along with that of Dihya and Azenzer. An image that stands alone is of Dihya's last fearless look at Elfraine before she was cut down and killed.

The setting of Nuada and Elfraine saying their long farewell to the baby is very moving as she completes the history of his short life. Now that Nuada has been given every detail of what happened to Dihya and how Azenzer was murdered, he has no choice but to feel that he could have changed the events if he'd known of his baby son's existence. It will be the greatest eternal burden of rage to his warrior psyche. His statement "I will find my own way to live with it", has a loneliness that he must accept, and lends the right closure to the scene of grief before the couple lays the baby to rest.

This compilation of the histories that needed to be told, is truly a relentless tug on the heartstrings.
Michaela chapter 54 . 4/23/2014
Wow! Your story is absolutely amazing. You never cease to amaze me with your talent. All of your chapters are fabulously well written and always leave me wanting more. I can't wait to see what happens next, although with all the twists and turns of this story I can hardly guess. I always thoroughly enjoy reading your story and you portray the characters brilliantly. You are the epitome of a literary genius and if you want to be an author I wish you the best of luck (not that you'll need it). I hope she doesn't die in the end but rather the dragon allows things to be put right by not allowing her daughter to die and return as Hal did. I can't imagine the heartbreak that would be caused- well I can... it's definitely not a pretty picture if Nuada's wrath is as violent as I can imagine. He might even start demanding things from the dragon himself and go against his own principles to help Elfraine. I really do sympathies with his situation but he needs to reciprocate the feelings that Elfraine has expressed to him. He voiced his declaration in high elvish now he needs to translate it. He will regret it profoundly otherwise as he does with so many other things. Overall great story. Thank you for gracing us with it. Thank you and goodbye :)
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