Reviews for Screw the Kitties
Sneaky snack chapter 73 . 10/6/2019
I loved this trilogy, even if it's been like almost ten years. Despite saying how you don't like it, it's pretty great and is awesome in my opinion. Not a lot of stories go to the length yours has, and I will be rereading it all later. Hope life's treating you well.
Sassyfairy97 chapter 73 . 9/19/2018
I love your books. I'm pretty sure I've read this whole series a total of 6 times. Hope you finish editing all of them so I can reread again

JumpingBunny23 chapter 73 . 2/1/2018
That was epic. There aren't many stories that I like, but this was the best trilogy ever. Alice is awesome and somewhat like me in about 70% of her ways, or possibly 100%... the Akatsuki are the best when it comes to entertainment, they just don't have the capacity to be peaceful and quiet unless they are sleeping, even then most of them snore. Kathryn is a loony but she's lovable all the same. Sanaa, Tiburon and Cielo are quite the trio of kids.
All in all epic. Not even I can focus on a story and finish it like you did. Praise and blessing for that with your arthritis.
Guest chapter 73 . 9/19/2017
You tipically dislike stories with OCs and you make Mary Sues with Mary Sue babies... Um... Am I lost somewhere?
Guest chapter 14 . 9/19/2017
Only Mary Sues to tickle Hidan and not getting slaughtered right after...
Rin Mezurashi chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
HOLY FUCK ALICE MADE A MINI MALE VERS. OF HER AND I LOVE THE LIL' DOPPELGANGER, also can i have permission to base one of my own stories off of this? i love your fanfictions and the cool thing about my oc is that her favorite characters are itachi, sasori, and deidara! its almost a match! ill let you decide if you want to let me because then you could give me hints on story writing!
HashiramaTree chapter 73 . 7/19/2017
(Final Chapter)
I wouldn't change much because this trilogy is gold, but I would have liked to see more of tibby as a toddler who enjoyed chewing on his father's hair. And maybe I would tone down the long ass contexts where Alice swears a lot, even though it adds more of a character to her, she sometimes repeats the same threats and makes the epic-ness of it all slightly less epic. But everything else is AMAZING! Thought I wonder when they would learn she wasn't actually a 'Seer'
HashiramaTree chapter 57 . 7/19/2017
(Chapter 57)
My favorite sports in the Olympics are probably soccer. I think it's a family thing, since we all watched it together and start a small betting pool where everyone bets food instead of money.
HashiramaTree chapter 45 . 7/19/2017
Honestly, yutakata reminds me of Itachi in some ways, so he's my most favorite Junchuriki.
(Chapter 45)
HashiramaTree chapter 44 . 7/19/2017
(Chapter 44)
I think I mostly like the two tails. The fact that it's a tiger, y favorite animal, and it's a female too makes me happy. And it looks pretty epic, to be honest. I mean, it Fucking has BLUE FLAMES around its body and two different colored eyes.
KathrynthePyro-bitch chapter 73 . 1/14/2017
I know that I am five years late, but to be honest, this is one of the damn best stories I have EVER read. I loved Alice and Sasori's sarcasm battles and the romance between both of the couples even if Deidara and kathryn didn't get a lot of development between them other than Kathryn burrowed her way into his heart with her eccentricity. Good job with everything, and I will say that your story inspired me into writing my own kitty series. Thank you for not stopping after the first story, and keep writing till your imagionation dies. (if it hasn't already)
Bananabella chapter 33 . 12/15/2016
you live in ohio
i live in ohio
i want to glomp the fuck out of you
Bananabella chapter 30 . 12/15/2016
holy shit
owls see blue? did not know this
too lazt 4 grmmr
fuk u
AceSnake chapter 3 . 9/11/2016
oldest of six, I hate little kids [or people in general, animals are better] and they either annoy me or piss me off.

some people would be great siblings, I just happen to have a bad impression because of mine.
MickeyThePal chapter 11 . 7/13/2016
My favourite ninja weapon would be...
1. Kunai
2. Senbon
3. Shiruken
I'm not sure if jutsu or chakra counts as a weapon, but that would be first if so, and if taijutsu counts, that would be second.
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