Reviews for It's a Long Way to Tipperary
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22
Hey! I just wanted to say that I have just read this and if you were the only girl in the world in like less than 24h lol and I loved it! Your writing is amazing! The characters and the story were truly a delight and I am so glad you shared this with us :D
Ns2121 chapter 37 . 1/31
Love your writing! You write with such humor and wit. I really enjoyed this Downton Abbey story.
Thank you!
eyeon chapter 36 . 6/14/2016
Because my last review showed as Guest and I wanted to favorite to let you know I very much enjoyed the story!
Guest chapter 37 . 6/14/2016
Brilliant! A truly marvelous tale. You have really written the characters well and provided an outstanding level of intrigue without too much angst. Many thanks to you and your muse! I just can't say enough about how entertained I also was by your author's notes! The combination was perfection. May all your future writing endeavors proceed as well, without blowing up a laptop. The only thing better would have been to follow all this fun as it occurred. Of course many times my cushions and nails were spared by the lovely Next button. Many thanks!
eyeon chapter 18 . 6/13/2016
I wish you were still writing for DA. I hope that you are still writing somewhere because in addition to your outstanding plot (I'll look over odd typo where you wrote Lady Mary Carlisle) Gah I can barely bear to type that, your author's notes are hilarious. Maybe you're a famous real author now. Please find some way to tip that this was you
eyeon chapter 8 . 6/13/2016
Well I know this is from a while ago but I'd still like to say that your author's notes are hilarious. You should absolutely write a funny story. Secondly I've always thought that Matthew should have many admirers being gorgeous not to mention in line to be the Earl but you've explained at least one reason that never came out -that he just didn't notice.
Camilla10 chapter 37 . 2/20/2016
Soo, so good. So many twists and turns. I will reccommend it on the site I frequent: A Different Forest; even if devoted mainly to supernatural fics (Twilight in particular), I know many followers are fans of DA.)
Guest chapter 37 . 5/2/2014
Just finished both of your downton abbey stories, and am so glad that I didn't have to wait through some of those cliffhangers! Great job!
Rachel Smith Cobleigh chapter 37 . 8/4/2013
Fun! Thank you. :) it's nice escapist fantasy to imagine Matthew five years on from the wedding. Nice plot with the maid and the way it all bounced around and became altogether more than it ever was. Matthew spying and Mary confronting Sir Richard stretched credulity, but still, it was a fun read. :)
salzburg chapter 37 . 6/21/2013
Enjoyed this the second time around immensely. You are an excellent writer. Would you ever consider another DA fiction? or a continuation of this one? Thank you.
Razgriz Ace chapter 37 . 5/31/2013
Given recent traumatic events on the show I'm going to go ahead and make this my head cannon. Great Work!
positive.potassium chapter 23 . 10/2/2012
I remembered your story from reading it month ago the part about Sybil and Tom OMG you got it right something does happen to make Tom leave at least from the trailer for Season 3 episode 4 LOL how does it feel to have seen into the future really I couldn't believe it I immediately thought of this story amazing really and I enjoyed so much too!
nanowrimoneverends chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
Oh, good job muse! Super excited for more! I really hope that Smith won't create too much trouble, and I know Matthew won't notice unless someone tells him outright, so I'm not to concerned about him. But I hope Mary doesn't find out first. She can freeze fire, and I'm sure Smith doesn't want to be a victim. Wonderful story! I love the twins! :D
janiedoe12 chapter 37 . 7/10/2012
What a great, great story! You are a fabulous writer and must write another story soon! I read this entire story straight through and never tired of it! Wonderful job!
janiedoe12 chapter 32 . 7/10/2012
I love this chapter and cannot wait for revenge to be exacted on Sir Richard. Poor Edith, forever in Mary's shadow! I don't often feel sorry for her on the show because of her own misdeeds, but here I felt a little bad for her!
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