Reviews for Conversations and Retribution
ehruel chapter 3 . 3/25/2019
Dunno why it took me so long to read this, but gosh was this a soothing balm to my soul after Rain and Regret. I love it. So very much. I can feel the healing already starting to happen and it makes me so very happy. And sad too. My poor boys. This is such an interesting concept that no one's bothered to think about. What would happen if the two were to return. How Voldemort would change after his punishment in the Abyss. How Harry's reaction and thoughts to him would change. It's all so beautiful. Thank you for this!
Val chapter 3 . 12/11/2014
Pity this was abandoned! Quite a catching plot. Maybe you'll consider continuing it? Please do. :)
Allasvitkona chapter 3 . 10/19/2014
I love Tom the remorseful behavior he employs is the most specific difference between your fic and the others. Sorry for being this blunt but I do look for the original. The come back for the dead together is another trait not often written by other writers also. The waiting for the bittersweet ending Tom is speaking about is another exciting element. Of course, I wouldn't like that to happen, you did specify that it s not a tragedy and it felt like a heavy burden was lifted from my heart. I'm sorry for Harry though...he must feel, so powerless I think, but in the same time, he accepts to go on and help Voldemort. And he doesn't cry. That was very in character.
Hopefully you ll update soon.
Caramel.Raven chapter 3 . 4/21/2014
Sometimes I wonder why I start reading unfinished works but some of the best ideas lie in those WIPs. This is one of them. I'm intrigued and really love what you've written so far, so thanks for putting it up :D
solsere chapter 3 . 2/14/2014
Ahh I love this extrapolated version of adventure in the afterlife Harry/Tom. I am extra glad when I read your A/N that the story won't end in a tragedy like Rain and Regret. I love the Tom you've written here - I think he and Harry are very in-character and just so adorable together. The cafe, Ollivander's... it makes so much sense for Ollivander to be able to figure out who they are. I've always thought wandmaking/Ollivander such a fascinating person, so I look forward to reading more about how you'll explore his mystery. I know you haven't updated in awhile, but I do hope you get inspired by this story again.
OnceUponAFedualFairyTale chapter 3 . 1/2/2014
This was pretty interesting! I can't wait to see how things develop between the two of them.
Wake the Dreams chapter 3 . 11/26/2013
This is a remarkably interesting and well written story, would love to see you continue!
Dianadenisa chapter 3 . 10/5/2013
great story! Please, continue! It's possible mpreg? Please please please, update!
kage kitsune 14 chapter 3 . 2/26/2013

Update soon.
Meghan-Black01 chapter 3 . 2/23/2013
OMG I love this! Please update soon!
Meghan-Black01 chapter 2 . 2/23/2013
Damn! I hope that when they do find what's missing they might be given a second chance at life? XD I love how they interact together! Lol the fallen waitress XD
Meghan-Black01 chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Guest chapter 3 . 10/16/2012
I think I haven't seen a plot like this... and it makes me want to read more... unfortunately you haven't updated for a long time...

sooooo,,,this won't have a sad ending...right? (you mentioned that it's not a tragedy)
but anyway... please update... :)
Ms Goth Girl chapter 3 . 10/6/2012

I am so in deep into the story, don't stop now! This is so exciting I can't wait for the next update :3
patricia.pc chapter 3 . 8/24/2012
Love this story! Hope you continue to update :)
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