Reviews for The Beginning
10MidnightArrow11 chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
I've never even seen this show and I think that was one of the best stories I've ever read!
DarkAvenger chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
*slow clapping*

You hear that? That is the sound of my adoring applause why I am attempting to pick the bottom of my jaw up off the floor. I like how you manage to get inside Morgana's head, show the torment that plagues, the blind emotion that guides her - and to what purpose, I say?

I always liked that scene from the finale. It was a refreshing break from the tonne of Arthur/Gwen being heaped upon the audience's heads, and to quote a friend of mine on said scene: "One look between Arthur and Morgana carries more passion and unresolved tension that three seasons worth of Arthur and Gwen declaring their undying love for each other does."

And while I don't ship Arthur/Morgana (I don't mind it, though), I actually would like to see some romantically and sexually charged scenes between them in season 5. Perhaps, Morgana could have the same happen to her mind as happened to Arthur's in 4x12, and then be caught by Arthur and Merlin who exploit that in order to change her back to good...

Just an idea...;-)
IlsditJ'aifolle chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
I was too lazy to sign in, but cool story! King Arthur and related legends always fascinate me, so it was fun to read. You really have a gift for handing the most cold and distant of charecters, and it was fun to see a one-shot from you. Please, PLEASE update "Always" soon, and good job!

Aiedail Choupette chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
I'm in love with this, right now. This is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read about Merlin and especially Arthur and Morgana.
skyfire chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Absolutely beautiful! The scene with Morgana and Arthur in 4x13 broke my heart, because Arthur looked so devastated, and for just a moment Morgana let her own pain show on her face. Excellent work, I'll be keeping an eye out for more from you
Karin chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
So nice!

please continue!
lanternsinsilver chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
What show is this? Is this Merlin? Shit.

Well, that was brilliant. I've never really read a story in second person. Good job on that by the way, and hurry up with "Always"! I'm waiting.
emerald sorceress chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Although you said you don't like 2nd person much, you write it extremely well. The chronological nature of the story really helped in showing how Morgana's character was shaped and developed over the passing years and I think the critical point for me was when she realised she had magic. That she loved Arthur enough not to burden him with her problems I think is Morgana to a T. The ending, btw, was painful and brilliant.

Great story!