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Joined 12-02-09, id: 2166065, Profile Updated: 09-16-11
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Legend of the Seeker.

Right, I didn't like what I wrote previously, so I'm changing it. Here we go...

Name: Nope, not telling you that.

Age: Anywhere between 12-56 years of age. Your choice.

Hair Colour: Black.

Eye Colour: Blue.

Residence: Somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere.

Beliefs: Deist.

I have no specific favourite pairing, but I do have a few which I prefer to others, namely:

Harry Potter:

Harry Potter/Hermione Granger: This ship intrigues me, as the two seem to possess a certain intimacy in the HP universe as shared by no two other characters. It strikes me as one of the more "original" pairings which transcends purely physical feelings. I prefer it to the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny, which is almost exactly the same as any other fairytale romance (e.g. brave, strong hero comes along to save the lovely princess and they fall in love. Please. If I wanted to read something like that, I would pick up The Sleeping Beauty, or Cinderella), and Ron/Hermione, which follows the modern day media trend of portraying the bickering lovers as the optimal couple. I still have trouble distinguishing between this pairing and the Han Solo/Princess Leia couple in the Star Wars series.

Neville Longbottom/Hermione Granger: The loveable, but awkward hero-from-the-sidelines and the clever, admirable girl who helps him out. I can actually see something happening there. I often wondered why Rowling didn't pick this pairing instead of Ron/Hermione, if she was so adamant about writing Harry/Hermione. It could have worked out quite smoothly.

Neville Longbottom/Ginny Weasley: One of the pairings I actually thought would happen in the HP series. They complement each other quite well.

Sirius Black/Bellatrix Lestrange: No particular reason for liking this one, I just do. That, and the fact that Sirius happens to be my favourite character in the HP universe and one that had a lot of potential for further development (especially the resolution of the hatred and open rivalry between him and Severus Snape - something that I was eager to see, but something that never happened) - that is, until Rowling decided to kill him off for no reason in Order of the Phoenix just to make up somehow for pages of endless filler and dragged-out plot. And his death has absolutely zero effect on Harry in later books. What a shameful waste.

Legend of the Seeker:

Richard Cypher/Cara Mason: The feisty and vicious Mord'Sith and the man to whom she pledged her life and obedience. There are a lot of moments in the series that could have kick-started a relationship between the two. I am not opposed to Richard/Kahlan, but the "love at first sight" aspect of it just bugs the hell out of me too much for myself to like it sufficiently enough.

Darken Rahl/Kahlan Amnell: I happened to read a fanfic with this pairing once, and quickly warmed up to it, but a badly written one can turn me off it just as swiftly.

Darken Rahl/Cara Mason: The Master and his servant have a lot of secrets, some of them more intimate than others. The dark, edgy aspect of this pairing is rather appealing to me, especially if it is in a well-written story.

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander/Cara Mason: I know most people will think "what the hell is wrong with this guy?", at this revelation, but after reading an incredibly amusing and rather saucy one-shot with this pairing, it has become my guilty pleasure. Yes, I know. I am a perverted bastard. I admit it.

Avatar: The Last Airbender:

Zuko/Ty Lee: Even though these two had little direct interaction over the course of the series, I always felt there was something between them. Subtle, but there. Plus, she seems to have more of that optimistic, lively outlook on life that stands in direct contrast to Zuko's usual brooding self. Mai seems to only add to his "oh woe is me" persona, whilst Ty Lee seems like she'd balance it out.

Aang/Toph: Same age, opposites of each other - one's an Airbender, the other's an Earthbender, one is more or less pacifistic by nature, the other is more fierce and warlike - really, what's not to love? Coupled with the fact that I really think that Aang and Katara are unsuitable for each other (I am sure others have pointed this out before, but Katara is almost like his mother. Plus, they are way too similar), and I love this couple to bits.

Zuko/Jun(e): Too much opportunity for some extreme smut with these two. Like Zedd/Cara, this is one of my guilty pleasures in fanfiction.

Haru/Katara: It always seems to me that Katara liked Haru more than she let on. I like both this and Zuko/Katara, though this one more than the latter.

As for slash, I have a very odd relationship with it - I can write slash in my own stories without trouble, but absolutely despise slash fics. I still haven't figured out why.

A few pet peeves about the HP series:

Lord Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle: Supposed to be highly intelligent and calculating, yet Rowling completely destroys his character in books 5-7 (mainly book 7). Could have been one of the greatest villains in literary history, one that nearly conquers the wizarding and Muggle worlds (people were afraid to say his name for goodness' sake! I can't imagine that kind of thing happening to the idiotic buffoon that was shown to us in Deathly Hallows). Instead he is dumbed down in order for the faux-Harry of books 5-7 to even stand the slightest chance against him, instead of making him brilliant and having Harry greatly improve in order to be able to match the Dark Lord's power and genius. It is the cardinal rule of writing good villains, and Rowling screwed it up.

England is the Wizarding World: Rowling seems to think that whenever Voldemort has trouble taking over England, he is actually taking over "half the wizarding world". Apparently Mrs. Rowling has forgotten that the wizarding world actually stretches beyond the shores of England. One of her editors should have reminded her, or at least had her move the primary action into other countries to make up for this statement being repeatedly said in her books. I would have been quite interested to read about the world of magic in places such as Europe, the Middle-East, Asia and so on, and be introduced to more amazing, magical locations, practices and objects. Which brings me to my next point...

Lots of wasted potential to immortalise the HP series: In the Goblet of Fire, the readers have been introduced to the notion that magic exists beyond the British Isles. Durmstrang Institute, Beauxbatons Academy and the Quidditch World Cup, and, and...so much to be expanded upon. Imagine my disappointment when I eagerly open the fifth book to find that the series remained in boring, old Hogwarts and not only that, but the plot has gone absolutely stale, with no adrenaline-pumping excitement or revelations (the prophecy? I could have guessed that since book 3) or even a sense of constant threat and some grand mystery or devious scheme by sinister forces waiting to be unraveled. This, therefore, marks Order of the Phoenix, in my book at least, as the worst one of the HP series. Even HBP and DH had more substance to them, albeit, they were atrocious drivel.

Albus Dumbledore a.k.a Master Manipulator: I liked Dumbledore. I really did. I tried to look beyond his obvious flaws, but in OotP, HBP and DH, Rowling made them stand out so much like a sore thumb, that I couldn't admire him anymore. I hated him. But most of all, I hated Rowling for what she did to the beloved Headmaster, by portraying him as even worse than Voldemort, who, at the very least, is honest about what he does and why he does it. I was completely unopposed to the notion of showing his flaws. It's good and entertaining literature to see the hero's flaws and watch him overcome them against all odds. I am opposed, however, to destroying any credibility the character in question possessed. Most of all, this change in Dumbledore went on to portray Harry as not the unwilling hero, but simply a puppet on strings. That, and his overwhelming stupidity in books 5-7...ugh, I could go on forever, but I won't. Oh, and Dumbledore is gay - a last minute statement, tacked on as an afterthought to satisfy some fans. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against slash, but this was completely unnecessary and added nothing to the series other than satisfy a few readers.

The amiable-but-somewhat-dim sidekick, Ronald Weasley, turned into the jealous arsehole, Won-Won Weaselbee: I officially despise Rowling for what she did here. I can almost forgive her for Albus Dumbledore, but what she did here is beyond redemption. I watched as one of my favourite characters, showing the struggle between his noble nature and his apparent flaws - flaws which I was certain would be remedied by the end of the series, by having his reluctant, noble and loyal nature show through - crumbled into a jealous, despicable mess of a character, someone that was just above the level of Draco Malfoy. Ron's sense of humour and likeable personality disappeared, only to be replaced by a shrewd bastard who almost made me want to rip apart the HP books from page to page. I hate you Mrs. Rowling. With Dumbledore it's already bad enough, but this? Words cannot describe how much I despise what you did. And I shall not forgive.

And now, to my fanfiction stories:

Charm: My first one-shot for Legend of the Seeker. I originally hated it, but am now actually quite proud of it.

Seducing The Marauders: Before people start asking why I haven't updated for more than half a year, I must confess that I am not even sure if I am going to continue with this story anymore. I had the fourth chapter 3/4 of the way done, but then scrapped it. I seem to have simply "lost steam", so to speak when it came to this story, and realised that the initial plan I had for it was not going to take the story in the direction I wanted it to go. For the time being, I will mull over whether I can crank out more chapters for it, or whether I will give up on it completely. So, until then, the story is indefinitely on hiatus.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Charm reviews
Richard's charm didn't only work on Kahlan - it worked on Cara too, even if she didn't realise it at the time. One-shot.
Legend of the Seeker - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,982 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 9 - Published: 3/25/2011 - Richard Cypher R., Cara - Complete
Seducing The Marauders reviews
Bellatrix makes a daring bet with Lucius - she has to seduce all four of the Marauders in four weeks. Rating may change later on.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,624 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 2/8/2011 - Published: 12/19/2010 - Sirius B., Bellatrix L.