Reviews for With A Black Nightingale
Carri007 chapter 30 . 7/28/2016
I recently finished the Thieves Guild arc, but wanted a little bit of a Brynjolf story. This has more than satisfied my wish for a good story. Oh, the complexity of plot, and the foreshadowing, and the gradual development of character, and the subtle nods to other Skyrim plots... Music to my picky ears. Thank you for spending such obvious time and effort to make this and incredibly delightful story!
Chitsuki-Tokiwa chapter 30 . 2/25/2015
Hoping you continue soon!
FloodFeSTeR chapter 30 . 8/10/2014
Is this it? Is Mena the Dovahkiin? I would really like to know, seeing as I got lost a few times in this story. If so, will you do the play through of the main questline?
jem1923 chapter 30 . 8/9/2014
The answer to Brynjolf's question - Not bloody likely! Please update soon : )
Guest chapter 29 . 6/5/2014
Wow u seriously need to update more often though ;) 3
Josie Lange chapter 29 . 5/16/2014
You capture Nocturnal's voice so well... I can hear her in my head: haughty, arrogant, yet amused by the mortals bound to her. Mena's pleasing of her was no small feat. I like the comparison Karliah makes of Nocturnal and a mother pushing her children to be their best. It's true, though Nocturnal expects nothing but the best from her children.

Oh boy, Kematu comes with news... I can't wait to see how Mena reacts. I must confess though; I've never completed that quest in Skyrim (I very much have to get back there).

I can't wait to see what's coming up! :)
Josie Lange chapter 28 . 5/16/2014
What? I never reviewed this chapter? I could have swore that I did... that's what mommy brain does. :p

It's good to see Mena up and about, even if it's slow progress. Of course, time waits for no one, so it's back to defending the Sepulchre. Hopefully, she'll be recovered (somewhat) by then. Of course, I've jumped ahead and read the next chapter, so I know. ;)

Karliah has had streaks of luck before-good and bad; with luck, Ondolemar hasn't put two and two together and figured out who was speaking. That could be bad news of the Thalmor decide to cause trouble.

Onward to the next chapter! :)
jem1923 chapter 29 . 5/7/2014
That is a nice tie in to Whiterun's Redgaurd. I had wondered if she would factor in. I have enjoyed this story thus far. Please update soon : )
Tusken1602 chapter 29 . 5/7/2014
Hey! So good to have the story renewed! :D Great job and keep writing!
Pokemark17 chapter 29 . 5/7/2014
Stupid saadia
Zikarn Krais chapter 29 . 5/6/2014
Hehe, bring on the fun.

Let's hope Saadia doesn't get away with it.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/26/2013
this was AMAZING. usually, I'm not a big fanfic fan... But this one was beautifully thought out and written! Keep it up and don't keep me waiting too long for the next chapter ! ;)
Shakespira chapter 28 . 11/22/2013
I loved the image of the three dragons and this: "...cried to each other in voices that held all the grief and the fire of the world..." really does conjure up the wild majesty of dragons. Circling as if to call Mena back to herself, to give her the strength she needed to return to herself.

And the last line: "Her hand curled into his, like a tired child seeking comfort, and she slept again." Beautiful in its imagery as well.

Wonderful update!
Mitsuki Shigamatsu chapter 11 . 10/2/2013
Don't worry Bryn, Mena's fine.
MadameHyde chapter 27 . 9/7/2013
It sounds like a bad joke "so Ondolemar, two thieves, and a dragon all walk into a bar..."
But really, wonderfully written as always. :) it's good to hear from you again. I really can't wait to see how this story ends -you tell it so well :)
Keep it up :)
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