Reviews for Song to the NightMother
NerdyChicksHaveMoreFun chapter 5 . 11/30/2013
yah, i like what you did there with 'blight' and 'taint.' On a more random note, I wonder how the Grey Wardens would react to our favorite jester? now THAT would be an interesting story
Arya May chapter 8 . 3/31/2013
...this is amazing. Aside from some formatting issues, this is just... great. Perfect characterization.
GeckoBlossom chapter 8 . 7/10/2012
This is amazing! Like so many others have said before me, your ability to write so wonderfully from Cicero’s POV is both fascinating and terrifying. You keep to his particular brand of insanity so well and the journal entries are brilliant. I have made this story one of my favorites and I look forward to your next one!
The Respectable Pureblood chapter 8 . 6/13/2012
I really enjoyed it, in a morbid sort of way :P

I think you wrote the character of Cicero quite well. I don't think many people manage to capture how crazy someone like that could be; or at least turn it down in Cicero romances.

Anyhoo, yes. Brilliant. Favouriting. Hoorah.
rell chapter 8 . 6/11/2012
There are no words to express how awesome this was. The ending, in particular, sent shivers down my spine. Cicero is perfectly in-character, and your writing style is absolutely delicious and fantastic in every way.

Oh and... I'd love to read any other Cicero/Listener fics you decided to upload. You're just great. 3
Roseria Sylvester chapter 8 . 6/9/2012
Well that was a dementedly divine ending... though i wonder if in his final moments he found the courage to tell her? and if she ever noticed his feelings? So many questions... but sometimes it is best to keep the reader guessing on such things! Good Work! this was quite the amazing fic!

Roseria Sylvester
KoreNestis chapter 8 . 6/7/2012
Please, please, PLEASE post up more precious Cicero, I beg of thee. ( I love your take on him, especially of Cicero in love; I think it's perfect. Please darken our world with more of Mother's favorite son. Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee. 333
Xheroh chapter 8 . 6/7/2012
HOLY CRAP! This was awesome! I really like it and hopefully there'll be another!
KoreNestis chapter 7 . 5/14/2012
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *Claps hands together in glee* Thank you! I always get so excited when I see that you've posted another chapter up; it's a bright spot in my otherwise dull and work filled day. It's still kind of scary how spot on you can think like our beloved madman. XD And his confusion! It's perfect! I believe this is precisely how he would be were he to fall in love; confused and uncomfortable with all of the new sensations that it brings. And perhaps depressed too. I think he would see himself as 'broken,' and wouldn't think that the Listener would ever care for someone like him. I think it would make things so much sweeter. 3 You could play on his hatred/fear of the dark and the silence, because of what happened to him in Cheydinhal, and how he feels utterly alone. He could have one of his episodes and she could step in.

I want to see what happens next! XD This is so wonderful!
Mr. Dickhead chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
luv it
Xheroh chapter 7 . 5/8/2012
LEMME GUESS! He's about to go try to kill Astrid, then the listener is TOLD (emphasize the TOLD) to go kill him? I know i'm right, right?
Silly Object chapter 6 . 5/3/2012
This is so GREAT! I love Cicero! :D I have added this to my favortes :D
KoreNestis chapter 6 . 5/2/2012
Great chapter! You better not take so long anymore, I'm loving this so far. *Shakes fist* I especially loved this one; I've really wondered what Cicero would be like in love/lust, and you portray his mindset so well. I just wish that these were longer, since he likes to babble and I love to read it. :) Keep those chapters coming!
StumpyBear chapter 6 . 5/2/2012
Excellently twisted and so in character. I really enjoyed this though Cicero isn't one of my favourites in Skyrim.

Nicely done, dear, nicely done :) I look forward to more.
Something For Your Troubles chapter 5 . 5/1/2012
So happy I found this, I love Cicero, and you do an excellent job of writing through his POV! Great story so far, and I hope you'll write more- please say you will!
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