Reviews for Okami Cronicles: Tiny Sun
EllaJuroku chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
I was wondering, when is the next chapter coming out? Please let me know when it comes out, I would love to read it. I do hope you have not chosen to discontinue the story, because it is a great story to read. If you do discontinue the story please let me know so I can remove it from my favorites.
Thank You for taking the time to read this message. This is a great story to read & I love reading it so much! Feel free to check out my Wattpad Account! My Pen name is EllaJuroku.
️Ella Juroku️
shooting2stars chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
:( Aw, now wait, don't stop[whine]
What happens NEXT?
*.* update soon, pleease?
Reclusive Dork chapter 1 . 6/14/2012
Do you have a Shinigami Yet? Would you like one? Because I can give you one.

His name is Shindou. He looks about 20. He has Short, spiky black hair, Silver and gold Eyes, and A black tail & Ears. He wears a Solar eclipse Gi, black karate pants, and a tattered Black cloak that flows when there is no wind and simply Screams 'Watch yourself, I'm dangerous'. His animal form is a black Wolf with Gold and Silver markings, and his Divine instuments(Yes, Divine, Not Cursed. The shinigami is an actual god according to legend) range from Masks(Shield), to Knife strings(Ranged), To Scythes(Power weapon).

His Brush, the Umbral Brush, comes with six Brush gods-not including himself.

Shindou's brush power is the New Moon power, which Turns day into healing Night with Divine power(Draw a circle with an X in the Sky)

The Six Umbral Brush gods are as Follows:

Kujogami, the god of destruction, a Bear with the Destruct power, that can create a timed explosion. (Draw a Circle with a rectangle inside and how many Seconds you want it to wait)

Inari, the god of thieves and travelers, a Fox with the Passage power, that can allow you to pass through solid objects or walk on Non-solid objects(like air-but there's a limit to how far you can in one stroke) (Draw a Triangle on yourself or others who need it.-or use White holy smoke to create a path in the air)

Fuugami, the god of the Black Wind, a Raven with the Tempest power, that can generate a powerful wind that can either Curse or Clean. (Draw a Loop over a line)

Kajigomi, the god of demonic Flames, a Lion with the Wildfire Power, that can control flame and transform it into the black flames of truth. (draw a Flame or a line from a flame)

Kibagomi, the god of Blades, a Dimetrodon(Yes, a dinosaur) With the Beast Claw and Crush Fang powers, That can cut through Stone or even Crush Steel boulders.(Draw a quadruple parallel Curved Line, or draw two curved lines with a zigzag between them)

Dokuyomi, the god of Acid, a Snake with the Venom Bath power, that can doom enemies, or in large amplitude, Erase organic objects. No, It can't destroy stone, metal, or water. just carbon-based life forms, including plants. (Draw an X on an enemy, or fill in the area to be destroyed.)
Cinderdog chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
very good, nice way of putting ammy personality. i hope it will be issun and ammy, for now i watching
Nirianne chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
The glory of Okami Amaterasu is once again featured in a story, and it's this one! I'm happy to have come across this story, reading about the Celestial Plain and about Ammy. It must be hard for her to thin of Nippon and all the adventures she experienced!

Awww, she misses Issun too! I like the part where you reference the game directly! :D

I wonder if Ammy will be able to travel down to Nippon just once to meet the people she missed?
