Reviews for Hate To Love
luckycat222 chapter 4 . 7/24/2012
omfg this was like so cute in a weird way. but really good. :)
ZeltaFrost chapter 4 . 3/18/2012
I just want to say that both the stories that I read that I've made r the greatest Zemyx stories I've ever read! I love ur stories! Theyre so great! This one was so sad in the beginning than got happy, then a little freaky wit Zexion and that one morning 0-0, and then scary with him about to be raped, then happy again! :D
noel-cullen chapter 4 . 1/1/2012
Awww, this was cute, in a fucked-up sort of way ;)

I like how you got into Zexy's head space...that made it seem more real, since you got past the physical aspects into the emotional, soul bondage.
whativebeenwaitingfor chapter 4 . 12/20/2011
This was so whats the word, creepy maybe. The only thing I really have to say it does Zexion have Stockholm syndrome cause that all i was thinking like the whole story. It was a good idea but not exactly delivered in the right way to tell the story. But thats is my opinion
RainingPetals chapter 4 . 12/13/2011
Now this was one of the most unusual stories I have read...

I didn't think I would like it all, but it was wonderful.

Continue writing, this was one of the most interesting ff I've read so far.
sola chapter 4 . 11/6/2011
I really don't understand what you find cute about this... at all.
To.Lazy.To.Log.In.Again chapter 4 . 11/1/2011
Drunk oncookies:

Dear Emilyy,

You are a retard. If you google what is happening to Zexion, you will see that it is a syndrome. It is called the Stockholm Syndrome. What happens is that the captives develop feelings for their captor, to the point of defending them. Statistics show that 27 fucking percent of all captives have this syndrome. How do I know? Google.

Love, DrunkOnCookies

P.S. Sticks and stones may break Sarabellum's bones, but words will never hurt her.

And at your grave, you'll become all the things you called her story. ;)
Sarabellum93 chapter 4 . 10/30/2011
To Emilyy,it actually happens alot. If you look up cases where women are kidnapped and held victim to be raped and held as "hostages", they often do discover feelings for their captor. So that isnt something far fetched, because studies on those cases would prove that not only is it possible, but common.

haha, i'm sorry about your precious OTP, but i was just trying to add some variety in the usual persona's that Zemyx stories are portrayed to have.

I'm sorry you didnt find it cute, romantic, or good, but i think your problem lies with the fact that you dont like reading rape stories, which would explain why you didnt like this story. If i may disagree, and this could just be me being cocky, i think the story is good, and if you fail to see so because you're stuck on the whole rape thing, well, thats a matter of preference i presume.

anyway, thanks for reading and being honest with me, and i hope you dont lose faith in my writing. i have tons of other and different stories and i hope you give me a second chance and read some of my other stuff.

Emilyy chapter 4 . 10/30/2011
Okay so... This story made me want to puke.

When have you ever heard of a RAPE VICTIM loving their RAPIST? especially when they're kidnapped and being held against their will?


No... Just. NO.

My poor precious OTP...

There was nothing cute, romantic or good about this story.
18plusForMe chapter 4 . 10/29/2011
Dude! I get you. Some old woman asked me if I was in Elementary. For fuck's sake, I'm in my last year of high school. And you're in college at 16? Where do you live? The Philippines? XD
casper chapter 4 . 10/29/2011
again, LOVE it! but, then again, i've always been a sucker for a good happy ending :3 anyways, you always make the best stories and i can't wait for the next one!
DrunkOnCookies chapter 4 . 10/29/2011
OMYGOD! u keep using lines from the vid games! I still louv ur stories! And, btw, i've noticed this. Even if u haven't played kingdom hearts, you WILL know Axel and Demyx's most epic lines:

"I'm so flattered!"

"Silence, traitor."

MOST EPIC LINES EVVVAAAARRR! Do you like Blue Exorcist? And, if you haven't watched it, WATCH IT! IT. IS. EEEEEPIIIIC!
boxthissideup chapter 4 . 10/29/2011
I do not blame Zexion at all for his reaction to Larxene. I would do the same thing. ... Anddddd I hate them. Jerk rapists. Demyx's response when he came in though was awesome, it made me giggle :) and now if my room mate didn't think I was crazy, she does now. I shouted "YES ZEX!" when he hit Lux with the book. Then started giggling with Demyx's quote. Tehehe stupid traitors.

Is it sad that I find the cutest thing in this chapter was Demyx willing to break his sitar for Zexion? *heart*

Aww it's over. *pout* Had a good run though! D

I have to agree with both points. Axel is a sexy beast (closely followed by Zexy *heart*) and Demy is the cutest person everrrr. I'm glad he said it tehehe. It was just so damn cute! (I need better adjectives...). I'm so excited for the next story! D
18plusForMe chapter 3 . 10/29/2011
Aww. How cute. Like a little kid waiting for his present at Christmas. XD You love my review that much? Makes me blush. lol So there's only one more chapter huh. Guess I'll just read it again and again from time to time. I DID add it to my favorite's list. And just telling you, me favorite's list is short. rofl Feel honored! lmfao Just kidding with you. I love how realistic this story is. Thanks a bunch. I'm hoping to finish your story soon, but hiding it from my family is harder than I thought. Maybe I should buy my own laptop so I could type it in peace. ;)
TO.LAZY.TO.LOG.IN chapter 3 . 10/28/2011
DrunkOnCookies! SEND ME THE STORIES! I'll edit them! I LOV this story! I am gonna smack the wall! Why am I yelling random sentences? It's really fun! Foot is a funny word! I like pie! Okay, I'll shut up now.
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