Reviews for Just Cuddling!
Manga Albina chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
*-* so sweet! I LOVED IT!
DracoLoverTrini3 chapter 1 . 10/6/2011
Love the Fluff! I am currently falling for Tup. What happens next? Where do things go from here? Why is Taz ignorant again on the mission? Will they eat Red Vines? When do the other characters come into play? Will You do a flash forward later? Will You reply to my review?
dontuse12345 chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
Yeah! Tup! :D I love them together. I don't care about the age difference. I liked this a lot too. I thought they were both in-character if this was pre-Starship. Great work.

A little critism...

You don't even need commas after quotes. You only need them if there is an act of speaking. Like Up's second to last line, you wouldn't need a comma.

Also, it got kind of confusing, the dialouge, in the beginning. That's also another place you don't need a comma. If Up says, "Just cuddling," Taz growled. (Or something along those lines) it looks like Taz said it. Maybe if you wrote "Just cuddling," Up responded. Taz growled... Get it? :D

I'm such a Tup shipper. And I'm so glad they made Starship a catergory on here now. Woot! So this was great. Thanks for writing the first Tup fic I read. :)

GleeFangurl721 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Very nice... I love Tup. More more more more more more more pleeeeeeeeeeease?
Inactive4444 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
The world needs more Tup! Loved it, short, but oh so sweet :) Keep writing!
18483628162729262 chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
I really liked it. i liked the story, but the pairing creeped me out. The age difference is too much for me too over look. Taz is like 20 and Up is an old guy... Lol
capostrophe chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
This has always been one of my favourite fics, I'm glad you moved it here!
omg-KITTENS chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
I less than three this, my friend. XD I think I reviewed this when it was on Misc... I think. I should have, at least.

OMG! Darren won! Our boy won his teen choice award! "Thank you GLEE fans, Starkid fans..." YOUR WELCOME, DARREN! He remembered the little people. XD

Sorry. XD I'm just soooooo happy.
