Reviews for McGonagall's Secret
Palmviolet chapter 1 . 9/30/2013
Mystical Authoress chapter 1 . 9/24/2012 someone's head getting stuck in a dementor's mouth really what happens when a dementor 'kisses' someone? That's kinda fact, the whole fic kind of unnerved me (in a good way). Good job, and...this fic is...very creepy.
Amber Icefire chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
It's me again, your faithful reader and reviewer. Praise for cats, Animagous, and the knowledge that Cedric Digory is terrible in a life-or-death situation as the actor who played him managed to not only die as the two characters he has played majorly, ( Twilight fans, you know who you are) but he managed to become undead in one movie! Back to you and not stupid Twilight ( more of a Hunger Games and Harry Potter fan, and an ellipse fani might add) my favorite part in this was the fact that most authors make the teachers sound dumb like they don't know about the passages, but you know as well as I do that that's not the case. I feel kind of sorry for Barty Crouch J.r for two reasons. One, he was a crazy old weirdo who's only joy in life as Moody ( and ours) was turning Draco into a Ferret. Two, my theory for WHY he was crazy. Who names their kid Barty Crouch? I mean, that name makes people go, " Hi there weird kid who's dad thinks he's so high and mighty that he's going to stick his name on his son's!" XD What if Barty had a girl form? What would his/her name be? For some reason Emma Crouch comes to mind... Anyways, I have a question for you and anyone else who dares to take the challenge. What is your favorite Harry Potter book? And the challenge: Name all characters (that are named) who died throughout the series. Who do you think shouldn't have died?

Your friend, ( lets just call it that now)

- Amber Icefire

P.S Please don't hate me for dissing Edward Cullen. The only part I felt was enjoyable to the saga was Alice and all of the sarcasm. ( Yes, even though I didn't want to I read the ENTIRE Twilight Saga.)

P.P.S So I asked you guys more than one question to answer, I like people acknoliging that they read my reviews!
Ordinarily chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
Minerva's as awesome as ever! Good job with her portrayal and emotions.
greenlover2 chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
i like how u portray Minerva in this story. would love to see more stories from u. but i think tht the title does not fit the story... other than tht i liked it :)