Reviews for The Mostly True Confessions of an Honest Man
hisnhers chapter 1 . 10/1/2019
Whew... I need a fan. Who needs explicit sex scenes when we have you writing these tamer scenes that has my heart beating harder and me repeating, again!, jump across the console girl!

cifan chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
This was great. Gyson is so believable. And I liked how you intertwined the events from the date with the session.
luvztorite chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
So few words(well, compared to your other stories), so much meaning. I could see this being a part of the actual series, too.


theothersusan chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
This is so awesome!

And Bobby is so clueless: "Who knew that Eames would be so wonderfully, tantalizingly, dangerously seductive, all apparently without even trying?" Well, Bobby, the rest of us had some idea!
dlene chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
Superb tale. You captured Goren so well. I look forward to more.

Thank you for this.
away.with.prufrock chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
Gah *iz ded*

This is the new canon!

I really like the way you've evoked the sense that it's simultaneously all new and exciting, and yet so comfortable and familiar. At least, that's what I got from it anyway :)

Great device of using the next session with Gyson, her dialogue sounded spot-on to me.

Thank you and pretty please can we keep looking in on these two crazy kids and see what they're up to?
PamEargle chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
Beautiful and wonderfully written :-) Thank you!
di1959uk chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
So very nicely done, I do so love your stories, always written so well and believable.

Looking forward to the next one!
Gypsy5 chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
Superb, I love your stories and wonder how you manage to come up with such first class work on a regular basis and have decided it is a gift.

Hope we see your version of the next part of their journey together...
rindy713 chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
awesome! the only flaw was those two words before "review." you know ... "the end." you need to redo those! oh, and that word "complete" needs to be changed to "in progress." seriously, i love how this is working out for bobby and alex as they see a new side of each other, and how you wove the session with gyson into their unfolding relationship. this just seems so natural and wonderful. at just the right moments, alex and bobby are alternately bold in moving things along. this is a great step to go to canarsie. i wonder what he'll show her and what they'll talk about ...
makeup addict004 chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Yippie! This was great! Please write more! In fact, I don't think anyone would protest if you wrote more dates, a wedding, etc... :) Again thank you for this story!
Malisa-Chica chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Very sweet. Love it. :)
lynntv chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Oh Jami, you tease. Stop pretending it's the end. ;o)
tkelparis chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
You know, when I first saw Dr. Gyson, I was instantly reminded of Carolyn Barek. There's a physical resemblance as well as a behavioral one. Or is it just me...?

Heh, heh, heh... He wants to keep things to himself, but he has to let Dr. Gyson know that he's taking steps toward a normal life. Oh, Bobby loves living dangerously sometimes... As the playing with fire on each date proves...

Yay to Alex for pushing him into action! No way that Saturday date would've happened otherwise. (grins) Wonder just how long they'll last with the waiting... I know these two have built a lot of patience in going after smart criminals, but everyone has a limit... Will we get to see when they hit theirs...? ;D

Aw... Going to see his home area... With Alex there, it should be easier to remember the good times.
Caia chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Can't be the end, it's just the beginning... I keep wanting more! *pouts* No?

It was very very very nicely done! I really enjoyed it. And it was sexy. It's nice to see a playful Bobby again.
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