Reviews for Sorrow's Path
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
sucky! soren/ike :p
hannahbananaonthesavanna chapter 17 . 10/19/2014
I'm so glad this story is continuing! Soren is in my top three FE characters and he deserves his own story.
DestructoKat chapter 17 . 10/18/2014
It feels like it's been a while!

I was waiting for Soren's Toha rant. I know it's all game script, but breaking it up with actions and descriptions makes it flow nicely. You also did a good job with the subtle anger, though I don't know if subtle the right word for it.

I think the smaller sections work. It makes sense that Soren didn't see everything that Ike did.
Han-Ko chapter 16 . 1/8/2014
OMG an update D:
Thanks for that XD it was a nice chapter, hope the next one doesnt take too long.
Good luck and health befall on you.
random person chapter 16 . 11/17/2013
Haha, overprotective Soren is overprotective :)
Aleaster chapter 8 . 7/27/2013
Mmm... But the issue is that part of Ike's story is overcoming his fathers death ad filling his shoes. I agree, it would be interesting, but all the same, I dOnt know if it would lead to a positive place:
Aleaster chapter 3 . 7/27/2013
Endin... Awk.
random person chapter 15 . 3/1/2013
Great chapter! I really like how this includes Soren's thoughts! And I love the strong bond Ike and Soren have, it's really admirable :)
hannahbananaonthesavanna chapter 15 . 2/27/2013
You got yourself another follower. Update soon!
DestructoKat chapter 14 . 12/30/2012
This is actually one of my favourite scenes from the game. You did use the script (you always have, but this a more memorable scene), but you always manage to balance it well with descriptions and Soren's inner thoughts. You're not smacked in the face with the script, and that's something I think a lot people appreciate.
AngelofaWhiteNight chapter 13 . 12/20/2012
How come you have a Tales of Symphonia chapter in a Fire Emblem story? Is this a cross-over and I missed it?
DestructoKat chapter 13 . 12/17/2012
"We all knew I was going to inherit the company didn't we?" Soren asked plainly.

I'm assuming this is a mistake? I'm not sure if you meant for Ike to say it, or if you meant for Soren to a dress Ike, but either way, the sentence implies that Soren is now the leader.
DestructoKat chapter 12 . 11/15/2012
It took me a moment to understand what happened at the very end. I'm a little slow, I suppose. Great chapter, though!
Sichelwiesel chapter 3 . 3/7/2012
Good idea to write Chapter 2. At long last, somebody writes about the time before Soren reaches the fort :-).
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 3 . 2/15/2012
Sorry I haven't left you any reviews for a while. Life just caught up with me. I promise I will finish your stories though.

Anyway, this was a good chapter. It was short, yes, but the length was agreeable. When you write big stuff, it's refreshing to read small chapters. I'm sure, like you said, it wouldn't be that easy for Soren to get away, so it was a good idea having him meet some Daein soldiers. I like how you really capture his aloof attitude. To me, Soren would be tricky to write for just because he is that way, but you don't want to make him sterile either. But I think you have him writteen so that he doesn't appear flat, just aloof.

Well done.
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