Reviews for Mobile Suit Gundam SEED:Knight of the Old Republic
GhostSixTwo chapter 2 . 9/17/2013
hey i just want to say that this chapter was to funny. honestly i start laughing whenever i think about the dancing in boxers part. keep up the good work
dsgundam00 chapter 2 . 9/17/2013
cool job...
edboy4926 chapter 2 . 9/17/2013
Awesome and funny chapter
Hope you continue.
Epiren chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
While I am unfamiliar with the Star Wars portion of this crossover, you do present an interesting take for origins of Kira.

However, the wording and such do leave something to desire.

Keep at it.
HolyKnight5 chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Heh. . .So Revan will change the geometry of the war, as he manipulates the conflict to dominate Earth?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
A huge virgin is you
flaimingdarkfox chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
dude dont stop there and how did he get that name
Sil Arion chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Hey, interesting concept I see here! Technically, this story should be underneath the cross-over category, but then stories usually don't get much publicity so I understand why you wanted to place it in Gundam Seed (as it's almost guaranteed any person who's seen GS has seen Star Wars as well).

Now, having been a major Star Wars fanatic as a child (lol, I still am come to think of it, age-wise) and still being a devout fan, I couldn't help but notice data on the ship Revan, or rather a certain Kira Yamato, flies. I'm letting slide all the plot and character interactions as you have to be able to manipulate events in KOTOR and beyond to your advantage to tie Kira into both universes well enough for it to make sense and not be run rampant by plot bunnies.

Anyways, back to the ship. Due to the nature of spacial combat, you'll need to set limits on his equipment, such as his armaments. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but the information regarding his ship was a bit lacking. Now, guessing that he lives alone on this ship with only HK-47 as a companion, as well as there more than likely only being one more bunk as well as plenty of cargo space, he should have an ample stock of proton torpedoes as well as concussion missiles (the latter should definitely be there as while proton torpedoes are meant more for anti-capital ship combat, concussion missiles are much better suited for anti-fighter, etc. combat than the former). I'd guess he'd likely have only eight to twelve proton torpedoes with likely two proton torpedo launchers, and then likely twelve to sixteen concussion missiles with likely two launchers for those as well. The reason I wrote more concussion missiles than proton torpedoes is due to the fact a freighter is more likely to encounter small craft, like other freighters and fightercraft, when engaging in combat than capital ships. Freighters, like Revan's, can quite easily outrun larger ones like capital-class warships but are oftentimes slower than fighters because they are larger and less thrust to weight ratio than fighters as freighters are, usually, not purpose-built for combat.

Nonetheless, I'd presume with all the weapons and defensive modifications and additions he made, he'd likely replace the engine block with something significantly more powerful so he could outrun hostile forces like the Sith. You might want to look into that, but with the high grade military-grade deflector shields activated (which aid in making the freighter fly faster in atmosphere as they create a protective aerodynamic cocoon that air slides around without a problem without encountering resistance on the hull) it'd be quite fast in atmosphere, probably upwards of 2000 kph easily. Honestly, I'd lean towards over 4000 kph, but I'd compare that if I were you, to other ship's stats of the same era and class, such as other freighters, etc.

Also, a hypermatter annihilator reactor is highly, highly unlikely to be placed upon his ship. First, they're huge. The only ships that had things like that are capital ships, and bigger ones at that like star destroyers and trade federation battleships. It's also unlikely that someone, even such a technologically-apt person as Kira, in the era of KOTOR to have miniaturized something so, well, big. I haven't ever heard of a HAR ever installed on something smaller than a big capital ship.

Another thing I noticed was the energy weapons. "Twin bow laser turrets" is, while descriptive, a little... confusing. Do you mean they're each double laser turrets? Or rather they're each single barrel, but fire-linked? Or what? In addition, I think those laser turrets, whether they're single or double, to be heavy laser turrets. I makes more sense as you have the quads for rapid-fire, like suppressing enemy fightercraft and then the single/double/whatevers for knock-out fire, like punching through shields.

I also have a little question for you regarding Revan's past as a character in the Star Wars universe. Was he still in love with Bastila Shan at some point? Or did she die, and so did his love for her? Or does he still love her despite her death? Or are they still married?

Related to that, Kira's past as a character in the Gundam Seed universe. Did Kira ever meet Athrun? Is he still the twin brother of Cagalli? Does the SEED still exist, or are you just going to explain the superhuman abilities of those that bear the SEED, and even possibly Coordinators, as a greater affinity to the Force?

Some other questions I have regarding this story is the interactions between the Star Wars and Gundam Seed universes. Do both use, or have used or will use, mobile armor and mobile suits as their main fightercraft? Or does the Star Wars universe still only use mobile armor/starfighters? How the ships compare?

Now, this last question brings up an important point, especially related to space warfare when the two universes collide as I'm sure they will at some point. In some crossover fics, authors have severely downplayed the power of star wars capital ships, letting mere mobile suits, just six to eight, take down an entire Victory-class Star Destroyer. Authors continue to disregard the amount of and power of weapons on Star Wars vessels compared to Gundam Seed and make Star Wars ships, and there crews and captains, seem weak and inept, specifically when it comes to conflicts with Gundam Seed ships. Now, I won't argue that, say, a TIE is stronger than a Mobile Suit, as it is most definitely weaker, and it'd take a flight (four TIE fighters), or maybe just two working together well, to take one down. However, authors tend to forget TIE fighters are elite in themselves. The movies made than all look like crappy pilots, but in reality TIE pilots were some of the best; hence, they're usually a bit cocky and bloodthirsty. Also, there is no way in hell (pardon my language) that even the Strike Freedom could take on an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and destroy it in just a few seconds to a few minutes. It's technologically impossible as the Freedom's nuclear reactor doesn't even contain a hundredth of the power an Imperial, even an Imperial I-class, generates every second. The reactor on an Imperial I-class literally takes up half of the inside of the ship and is described as a "miniature sun." That "miniature sun" is around four hundred meters in diameter! Compare that to a simple nuclear reactor that's likely not even five meters in size! Current advanced nuclear reactors only generate about 1200 megawatts of energy (1,200,000,000 or 1.2 x 1010 watts), and those are each facilities that are around hundred or more meters in diameter. The reactor on just the Imperial I-class generates 7.73 x 1024 watts, or 7,730,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts. Yeah, there is no way in hell, whatsoever, that even the Strike Freedom in all its glory and power could break through an Imperial I's shields. It's impossible. I don't even think it could dent it as the Strike Freedom's power, even if it was one thousand times more powerful than current advanced nuclear reactors, it'd still have less than a millionth of the power available to the Imperial to power its shields. Not to mention, even with all its mobility and its (pathetic) beam shields, the Strike Freedom would get toasted within ten minutes of attacking a Star Destroyer as it is a fact that even the light turbolasers mounted on an Imperial I can vaporize a starfighter. Specifically, I recall the example of a Rogue Squadron pilot, one of the best pilots in all the Alliance and New Republic (literally in the top twelve of likely hundreds of thousands in the galaxy), being shot down by an Imperial I-class's weapons, not its starfighter complement nor any other escorting ships. He was piloting an X-wing, one of the most maneuverable Alliance fighters around. Most authors just let the Strike Freedom easily take out larger ships. In reality, in a true meshing of the two universes if everything was portrayed correctly by authors, it'd be like a fly trying to attack a tank that was floating, completely covered in an energy shield. That - that is a true comparison of them in a conflict. Granted, should the shields come down, the SF could sneak in and destroy it from the inside out by shooting repeatedly, for a very long time since the reactor armor is literally over a dozen meters of thick of metal easily stronger than anything in GS without PS armor.

Now, I do realize that you are writing this int he era of KOTOR, but if you haven't noticed, technology-wise, very little actually changes in Star Wars. Very little improves by much as most differences in the technology between the Old Republic era and the any other era are just a small progression in quality. Thus, the facts I presented are almost completely applicable. The Interdictor-class (the Leviathan) and the Imperial I-class played the same roles in their respective times, and with the Interdictor being a fourth or so of the size of the Imperial and accounting for that fact that little changes in the Star Wars universe despite the amount of time that went by, their power outputs are likely very similar, the Interdictor's maybe just 4% or something of the Imperial's (which is a very, very, very large number still, almost incomprehensible to humans nowadays, and in comparison to the Strike Freedom's output, it's ridiculously huge, the SF's still being only a less than a hundred thousandth of the Interdictor's).

Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm trying to point some areas where most authors (completely) fail to mesh the two universes well. I'd just love it if you kept these questions, comparisons, and various other facts in mind as you continue writing this interesting story, which is, honestly, very well written thus far.

I have more to say, but I reached the limit. I'd still like to hear back from you though! :D
Yuriski-1st chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
As much as I like the idea (and a badass Kira), Revan's nearly godlike powers in the force (even when weakened) may trivialize alot of things
bloody sleeping dragon chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
sweet story idea can't wait for the next chapter
Fateion chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
Great story, I like it already. Please update soon! i have several theories about the 300 years and 12 years problem that Kira face but i want to know what really happenned
Slices chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
According to your timeline Heliopolise has already been destroyed by ZAFT right? since Kira was 16 at the time of events of SEED and he is now 24.

Slices out
Raven Marcus chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
cool! so who is gonna end up with!
Slices chapter 2 . 6/11/2012
ok I liked the first chapter and hope you publish the next soon.

Slices out
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Good story

Has potencial
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