Reviews for Everything You Never Wanted
AliceSylvia chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
This is a really good story. I hope you will finish it someday.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/15/2016
Uh... is this story ever going to continue? I really want more. It's a great story.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/10/2016
So... Are we going to get any more?
Dragon Band-Aid chapter 21 . 4/5/2015
Hope you update soon!
kage chapter 19 . 10/8/2014
aw poor Prowl he is such a sweet heart I hope Jazz treats him right and does right by him
Nyx811 chapter 21 . 4/28/2014
Nikkie2010 chapter 2 . 3/11/2014
I know I shouldn't ask since I respect RL and good writing, but it's been almost a year since you last updated this story. Has it been abandoned?
Nikkie2010 chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
I rediscovered this story and I'm just wondering if it's still being written. I really hope so since I'm really enthralled with the AU and whole 'Brotherhood' thing.
Nikkie2010 chapter 19 . 4/20/2013
Ooo this was a good chapter. :) Prowl's still got a long way to go but at least the physical contacts a few steps forward in an 'abnormal' world.

Looking forward to the rest of it!
Yoru Hana1 chapter 21 . 4/19/2013
*giggles* Yeah, I take it that is a sensitive subject for Medic. Good call Smoky.
Yoru Hana1 chapter 20 . 4/19/2013
I feel sad for Smokescreen, but what he was told and realized is true. More so, since Prowl is happy he does not have the /right/ to interfere with that, ignoring endangerment. It is no longer his place, for several reasons.
Yoru Hana1 chapter 19 . 4/19/2013
I'm guessing what he has to 'fix' was the lack of glossa thing. Loved the bit with the purple convoy class. Something about his screamed "I got drunk around strippers and now have a hangover!" to me with the glitter and all.

How can Jazz tell he's been hacked? I thought he was observing Prowl in the simulations. What gave it away? How did he know Prowl was hacked?

My suspicions are that Soundwave did something to make Prowl and Jazz seem like compatible sparks, but they're not, or altered then, if that's possible, so they are now but were not before. Or perhaps, if the reaction at the end is anything to go by, simply thought that he could plant something that the first time they'd linked up would have taken Jazz down /with/ Prowl,
Nikkie2010 chapter 20 . 4/19/2013
Poor Smokes...
JenEvan chapter 18 . 4/19/2013
I thought I've read and reviewed. Turns out I haven't... Too much of randomly reading around until I don't remember which I've read, which I haven't...
Quite a cute, fluffy start :) I can imagine the playfulness of Jazz, dragging Prowl along each and every tourist destination, reminding me of scenes from some romantic Korean drama, where the couple usually go out around the town/amusement park for their first date :P
But the following part with High Chroma's analysis shows just how abnormal things are for Prowl. Felt sad for Prowl, yet at the same time am very glad he had Jazz, one who'd certainly look out for him, just like his clade. Though the additional scenes later on also give us a glance into their lives - that of two mechs whose definition of normal do not fit the one described by the average mech, yet who may actually find, in each other, their own lifelong companion and soul mate :)
Thanks for the nice read :)
Nikkie2010 chapter 18 . 4/5/2013
Love this story so far. It's interesting to read and see how Jazz copes with prejudices and even Prowl with misconceptions, even though I feel sorry for the relationship between Smokey and Prowl.

Hope to see an update soon.
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