Reviews for No More
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
AlickyNicholas chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
Sigh. Beautiful. I like the idea that he eventually chose to sail rather than linger, and I can see it happening exactly this way. Reading this piece was like watching it on film. :)
Darkover chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
In this story, you did a good job of portraying the world-weariness that produces "sea-longing" in Elves. Thranduil may be a king, but he misses his loved ones, and even an Elven-king can become weary of the world with the passage of time. The dialogue was as good as the characterization. Well done. Sincerely, Darkover
ziggy3 chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
The real end to LOTR - Thranduil leaving these shores and this is so well done of course. I can visualise this absoultely cleary and identify more than I thought possilbe with his exhaustion in leading and constantly being the figurehead, never letting up and needing Galion to comfort him with assurances of friendship. Love your Galion.
Nieriel Raina chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
Lovely! I love the way you depict the relationship between Galion and Thranduil in this piece. :)

BTW, your formatting is in a fuddle. It's all in italics. Thought you'd want to know, meldis. :)
Mirwalker chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Huzzah for a piece that looks beyond the charaters at stage front, and swiftly gives us insight through those less in Tolkien's focus. You've well-balanced both the intimacy and the positional difference between the two, suggesting Sam and Frodo weren't the only brothers across class lines...

Thanks for sharing!
GreenGreatDragon chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
wonderful! i love galion stories; he certainly doesn't get all the attention he deserves. i like how you built such a relationship in such a short time, too. and thranduil was very relate-able. very well done!
Song in the woods chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
And thank the powers that be for Galion. He lasted a long time, and thankfully he has his friend to help him make it "home".