Reviews for Time
Startled Boris chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
Absolutely gorgeous. I usually avoid Russia/Lithuania fanfics because they're usually rape/abuse fics which I hate, but this is lovely. Wonderful writing, can't believe it's only got 4 reviews.
LittleAngel chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
Wow seriousl, that was one of the best fanfics that I have ever read (and not only 'cause it wasnt extremly depresing as usual for this pairing, but had also some seriousness to it)I Loved it, please more
SlightlyScary chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
This was very well written! I'm fairly sick of all the abusive stories for this pairing. I really enjoyed it.
Taras V chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
I, personally, have nothing against cavity inducing sweetness. This fic was just lovely. 3 And it had a happy ending! Happy endings are so rare for this pairing.
Pit-Trap chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
This is so sweet! How could you not like how it came out? If you want cheesy go read my stories! XD They're filled with all the cheesiness you could want.

But I do agree with you about one thing. I agree about all those abusive and angst filled stories with Russia and Lithuania. I dislike those too. They can be a happy couple too people!

You did a wonderful job on this. I'm glad I read it