Reviews for Seducing Mother Earth
ertvezbyzuznsstbbt chapter 15 . 4/1/2012
Lol,poor Squeeky, he just never gets lucky in life, does he?

I love this story, it's so cute and funny, I can't wait till the next chapter! And I just looove Frankie, I hope everything turns allright for him (even though I like me some good angsty Frank). I loved last chapter, with poor Frankie crying in Riff's arms. I just love their relationship...

Anayways, keep up the good work, you're amazing!
Torie Rilistkrytcat chapter 15 . 1/19/2012
My life has taken a turn for the better; this fic is back! And I can totally relate to all of the reasons for not updating (which means, of course, that I must save my ice-pick and laser for another day- I can't kill you if you have legitimate reasons), especially the lime cordial shortage. I have recently aqquired some of the stuff, and I CANNOT see how I ever wrote fics without its, um..., lime-ey inspiration.

Aw, but I loved the more-man thing! It was what originally got me hooked on this fic! PLEEEEEEASE don't change that bit!

Aw, poor squeaky. He's been through hell lately! Wasn't he originally that guy from the simpsons?

And noooooooo, Frank can't return home and marry his darling mumsy!

Oh, and BTW, just to say I think this is the first fic I have ever read that mentions tweenies, even if it is only very briefly mentioned in the author's note. I used to LOVE that show when I was a little kid.

Oooh, please update soon! I can't wait for more overly-dramatic Frank, plotting Riff, evil Mags, judgemental Varjak and a re-apppearing Columbia! But one little thing:

Can you PLEEEEEEEEEASE introduce Frank to the world of lime cordial? I just think he'd like it.
capostrophe chapter 15 . 1/13/2012
Yay! New update! Loved this.
FrankieFan82 chapter 15 . 1/13/2012
Yay, you've finally updated! :D

Awww, poor Squeaky! Maybe I'm just weird, but if I didn't know any of this and he told me that story, I'd believe him. Or at least hope he was telling the truth.
opheliafrump chapter 15 . 1/13/2012
Hey, u r back. Yay!

Promise me I will write another chapter soon.
FrankieFan82 chapter 14 . 10/12/2011
Yay Noel, even if he didn't actually do anything! Too bad Frasier missed everything, though.

Poor Frankie... Columbia just doesn't know what she's missing!
opheliafrump chapter 14 . 10/10/2011
Magenta didn't say "you're wet" in riff Raff style. Disappointed :(

Kidding. :) I am just happy to see new chapter
Torie Rilistkrytcat chapter 14 . 10/9/2011
Yaaay! A new chapter!

Lol. Poor Frank, though- Columbia betrayed him! Well, kind of, anyway.

I literally LOLed at "An evil concoction made only from extinct species, illegal substances, toxic waste and cucumber – wearing it more than once in a single lifetime was suicidal pore-wise in the long run. This was the twenty fifth time this year Frank had slathered it on his unsuspecting skin."

Hmm, I read your reason about why there was no Varjak and I can sympathise. I have three cats, all who are totally nuts and DRIVE ME INSANE! Seriously, if I was a meaner person I would have strangled them by now.

But I love them (Sometimes)

Aw, now I feel soooooo guilty because my kitten just came up, purring, and put her paw on my lap.

Anyway, back to the fic: please update sooooon! I love this fic!
gypsy rosalie chapter 14 . 10/9/2011
Yay! Update!

haha I love them trying to CPR Frank and i love his reaction even more- 'are you?'

Poor Frankie, being stood up
delete my account immediately chapter 13 . 9/24/2011
I can't even tell you how much I love this story. It makes me laugh every time.

Frankie's marriage proposal in this chapter still has me giggling. "Will you...take a chance on me? *spasming eel impression*" Next chapter soon, can't wait to see what happens!
Torie Rilistkrytcat chapter 13 . 9/18/2011
Lol I LOVE this! It was worth the wait! :)

I laughed So much at "Francesca Necrophilia Furter!"

And also at the fact that, when marrying his mum, he would have to wear a wedding dress! But I bet Frank wouldn't mind, he loves girl clothes...

Aww, poor Columbia. I ALMOST feel sorry for her.


And the kitties! The girl cat should have kittens, that would be hilarious!
gypsy rosalie chapter 13 . 9/18/2011
YAY! I was so excited to see this had been updated!

Lol at Frank's bad mood because Columbia got to see ' hunky he-men' while he was dating XD

Haha poor Frank having to wear a meringue of a dress

And I love his way of charming Columbia- 'you're kind of attractive-ish!'

OMG Frank's name is Francesca! I laughed so hard. Ooh Magenta and Riff Raff are cruel XD

And lol at his 'marital related request' to Columbia!

And yay for 'take a chance on me' at the end!

Fantastic chapter, I look forward to the next one!
opheliafrump chapter 13 . 9/18/2011
My Dearect Mumsie-Poppums... Oh dear, I can't believe Riff and Mag could think about this! (Well, but it does sound like Frankie)

3 months! You finally update!
FrankieFan82 chapter 13 . 9/18/2011
Yay, I've missed this story!

Ooooh, that's a good use for that song! I was wondering what you'd come up with! Haha, knowing Roz, she's probably enjoying it. You say Frasier's running late... I really hope he shows up in time to see Frank's performance!
gypsy rosalie chapter 12 . 6/17/2011
I was just re-reading this and I had to review again because I noticed the Kelly and Flash St Trinian's reference and that is my favourite movie of all time (except for Rocky Horror) and i LOVE Kelly and Flash so much!

haha I'm pretty unhealthily obsessed myself...
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