Reviews for Bloody Sweaty Sam for Soncnica
Victoriaswords chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
"say that again" totally to funny:)
IheartSam7 chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
that was beautiful. Loooved it.
Nana56 chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
LOL Love it! Awesomely hurt!Sammy and caring!Dean and a little levity to boot! Doesn't get much better than that!

Nicely done. :)
okayokayokay chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Mmmmm hmmmmm. Bloody sweaty Sam is always a good thing, yo. Especially when sweaty Sam is prettty high up there on the list.

I liked this a whole lot. I really liked Dean's fist in Sam's shirtfront and also, Dean grabbing his belt loop. Ooh and when Sam gets all shocky and shivery. Also good. Alsooo, the last line. Niice. I laughed. Good stuff.
LaedieDuske chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Oh sweet holy crap. That? Was a thing of beauty. I laughed so hard it scared my cats. *grin* Telling Sam his ass was leaking *gigglesnort* and the "did I pee?" just about did me in. And of course the belly pat? Oh yeah. I'll be thinking about that for a day or three. *sighs* Love this.
rog457 chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
So funny, with a great touch of brotherly concern and mild panic.

"Did I pee" I can so picture and hear Sam saying that in slightly embarrassed little voice.

Mad scientist hair - great visual

Loved it.
Dreadedfemale chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
I am loving this little series. You guys rock hard. This one was awesome with all the blood and loopy Sam and -'"Did I pee?"'Hee!
nwspaprtaxis chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
There is so much to love here and I'm thrilled you posted this! I love how freaked out Dean is throughout but he just covers it all up with some banter and a few badly-worded jokes. I love Dean steadying Sam with the palm against his solar plexus when Sam's on all fours and he goes all shaky and he's about to fall over and promising Gatorade. And there's Sam not-getting the joke at first and looking like a kicked puppy. HEE! But this is such a lovely, vivid description:"I accept that this is reality but it's so much worse than I had hoped" - I can just SEE Sam's expression here and I can so easily imagine it. GOLD!

And Dean whipping out his cell phone to film "Did I pee?" is a classic as is Sam having counter-blackmail.

Liafrombrazil chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
I suspect it has something with The French Mistake. No? Anyway, I am sure your version on Sam's wounds is a lot more satisfying than anything they've showed onscreen. This story is funny and vivid and I loved it. I am so glad Sam's wounds looked so horrible in the beginning because of all the blood (Soncnica has a fine taste, blood is goooood)but then it wasn't too bad and Dean was deadly worried and then he was kind-of-relieved-and-making-jokes-but-still-a-little-bit-worried.

Confused!Sam wondering if he had peed himself is so funny but also touching for some reason and I love him there. Also I love all the colours (I loved to think of buckets of red blood on the blue carpet. That fits so well in your scenary) and all senses and adjectives and images. Your words rock!

One of my favourite lines: "Sam's twisted halfway around to peer at his butt. He looks at Dean for a second, and man is his face pale, all slicked over with sweat and smeared with bright red blood that's leaking down from somewhere in his hairline. Then he gets the joke and sighs out a groan, hangs his head." Ouch! Taht was so adorable how Sam took a while to get the joke and actually reacted to it and was all bloody and sweaty and pale. Just adorable and I believe Dean is making jokes just to cheer him up and because he's so relieved and all.

The end? I loved the end, like really really loved. The Gatorades and Sam's hair made me happy. And I would kiss a frog to watch that movie of Dean doing karaoke. Thank you! Soncnica deserves it!
Soncnica chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
*squeee* I am.. in shock still... I mean... I have no idea what I did to deserve all this.. I mean first the postcard and then this... *sniffs* *hugs you*

okay, 'm fine now :)

man.. blood on Sam... *drools* 'm a sick puppy I know, but damn he looks awesome when he's bloody and sweaty!

so... the fact that your story was like THIS... *yummy*

"There's so much blood that for a minute Dean thinks he might actually shit himself."

I love the panic there, I mean him seeing his brother drowning in his blood... man, I'd shit myself too!

and then I love this: ""But then he's on his knees, pulling at Sam's clothes and squinting into all the scrapes, and he sees that they're just that - scrapes."

so awesome! first you make us believe that Sam's almost dead what with all that bloodloss and then it's just scrapes! mwhahaha.. evil you!

"his torso suspended awkwardly off the ground by Dean's fist in his shirtfront."

*stares at that image*

""makes that groan Dean knows all too well, the "I accept that this is reality but it's so much worse than I had hoped" groan.""

ahhahah I LOVE IT!

""Sam plants his hands on the pale blue carpet and blinks experimentally.""

and I can see his hair go into his eyes here.. I mean his bangs... *makes grabby hands*

"""Yeah, well yours is leaking." Dean spots his brother with a hand hovering just under his bloody chest. "That came out wrong."""


""face pale, all slicked over with sweat and smeared with bright red blood that's leaking down from somewhere in his hairline. ""

poor Sammy... but I love it... mwhahah... guh such a great image.. and I bet his eyes are open wide becasue he's scared that his ass is leaking.. :O poor baby...

""Sam nods, and a drop of blood falls to the carpet with a faint tap.""


aww the I'm all wet line... awh he's like a little kid asking his big brother why he's all wet and help me and what happened and Dean, help! aww so cute!

""Did I pee?""

sorry, but this reminded me of that scene in Mystery Spot... when Dean gets hit by the car... of course I peed myself.. dude get's hit by a car and you think he has full control over his bladder!

ahahaaha... awesome!

aw poor Sam, he's totally out of it, huh.. he has no clue what happened to him... aww poor baby!*huggles him*

"He pats his brother's belly through the damp T-shirt, then pulls out his phone and sets it to video mode."

LOL... first you kill me with the belly pat and then with the phone comment! ahhahahaha

"mad scientist hair "

I love Sam and his mad scientist hair... mhm, loove it!

this was such an awesome story... oh man... the blood and the sweat and the small touches here and there and Dean being all big brother and Sam all confused and the blood and I love all your little lines like: dream is dead in its cradle, teeters like bridge in high wind

and the blood! and so awesome! AWESOME!


love you too! :))))

kiwimoonelmo chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
I loved made me .xx
lotchness chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
Love hurt Sam and concerned Dean! But it was kind of confusing in some ways.
Enkidu07 chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
Ahhh, so much vivid surrealness. I love the showingness. And making up words. This wins for most realistic coming-to scene. I can totally visualize it, expressions and all.
Catsluver chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
Nice. I enjoyed this.
PADavis chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
That was so funny, and Sam was so pitiful and sweaty and bloody... mad scientist hair made me choke on my tea. Thank you so much. It was well worth it, a lovely choke, almost as lovely as the belt loop and Sam getting heavier.

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