Reviews for Faith
Hilary Parker chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
This was perfect! So true to how I see Ed. And that first paragraph was just ... Wow!

This reminded me of one of my fave themes from the movie Serenity. It is important to have faith in something or someone, but that doesn't have to be God or religion.
psyscaper chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
This is a nice character study you've got here. I think it's very much in Ed's character to be pessimistic, though he might characterize it as more pragmatic. You weave his thoughts and descriptions of the scene and the weather into a very tight little vignette. And, you're doing great with the third person narrative. Myself, I always have a hard time with first person. For some reason, it just doesn't seem right to me when I try to do something in first-person. Good job, though!
UguuGao chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
Amazing how you could come up with a story by looking at just one word. The bitterness served its purpose, it makes you think. Life for the real police officers can't be any easier, this portrays that well, I think...I couldn't say I'm not a cop but anyway, great one shot.
Tinkerpanda chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
I really enjoyed this - I liked the bitterness. The kind of reality-hardened biting tone. It's a little grim but perfect for the situation. That's one of the things I liked so much about the show and paricularly the pilot - there's a hint of this kind of worn pessimism, I guess. Another beautiful wrote passage. Fantastic description that just sucks you right in. Gorgeous!
fanfictionfan63 chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
I understand that religion is a very touchy subject. However, seeing Ed as he is on the show, I think this story was perfectly in character and it honestly does not surprise me that anyone in law enforcement or a similar profession would struggle to believe in a benevolent God... Great job at depicting Ed's thoughts. And doing 3rd person, too :D