Reviews for Letters
gymnasticsgirl51700 chapter 27 . 11/4/2014
Amazing story thanks for writing!
Max-Without-Wings chapter 27 . 8/8/2014
I don't know if you have already,but you should totally write a sequel... But this was really a cool turn on things. Congrats on the finished story!
CodeBlue19 chapter 27 . 3/30/2014
So I just read this story straight through over a few days and I love it! You're a great writer and you did a fantastic job with this story! I'll definitely be looking at some of your other work! Keep up the awesome! :)
dancingonmytoes13 chapter 27 . 3/29/2014
Dear Ivy,

So glad to hear from you again! Even as I trek through the never ending ocean of college engineering assignments, I kept this story in the back of mind. Need a good story to read? Reread Letters. I love your writing style, how the words flow on the page, from the order of phrases to the word choice to the punctuation. It all collided into a beautiful, unique melody of words that brought life to the characters and the stories. You stuck so close to the book personalities and still managed to create a story unlike any other. The relationship was slow and steady but so spot on and perfect and...and I love you a lot. That's the theme of this review. Thank you for finishing this wonderful story - and how appropriately times, too. Last time you updated I mentioned how your stories really lit up my days, bringing me happiness in the wild, dark mess that was senior year of high school. And now, this weekend, when I have 3 midterms in a week, 4 dances to remember, orgo problem sets and lab procedures to create, exhausted and tired of everything, you sweep in to save the day. Thank you. Thank you for being you. You're incredible. Your viewpoint, your musical and book tastes, your passion of writing and appreciation of the vast wonder of this universe we live in - extraordinary. Letters was fantastic, but the glimpse into you that I got through this was just as wonderful.

Hope your life is full of happiness :)

Rock on.

Dancing On My Toes
UnderTheTableAndDreaming chapter 27 . 3/29/2014
Did you break into my iTunes? Really truly beautiful list and I didn't know about the Raindrop Prelude but I am googling that next :)

There's a lot of praise I can give here, but mostly I'll just praise finishing. I think finding the right ending is one of the most difficult things in writing - how many fanfics just die off right at the most climactic moment never to be finished? You did find a very nice ending here and it's such a satisfaction to be able to come back after a break and find such a gem. I kept saying to myself "Just stay! Just stay!" but I think it was a good juxtaposition with the happiness of reuiniting and all the romance against the bittersweet leaving of normalcy again. Anyway, it's been a pleasure :)
storyteller1425 chapter 27 . 3/29/2014
Wow. I feel like a chapter of my life has just closed. Honestly, I gave up on Max Ride ever since the disaster of the final book in the series. But now I realize that even though the canon might have gone up in flames, the fanfiction will always be there, and much like this wonderful work of yours, fanfiction is capable of being better than canon.

Anyway, I don't remember when I first followed this story, but I know it's been at least two years. Still, even after all this time, I adored the story and I adored the characters. I've fallen in love with Max and Fang and the flock all over again - well, the fan version haha.

I feel like the interval since you lasted posted a chapter was perfect. Just enough for us long-time readers to feel a sense of nostalgia and maybe even closure as we grow up and move on from the series.

I've loved this story since the beginning and I've loved your other works as well. I hope you get the chance to do more and expand on your writing. Good luck! And keep up the good work. (:
UnderTheTableAndDreaming chapter 25 . 3/28/2014
Yay! So great you came back to finish :) I haven't checked this website in months but I sure picked the right day to wander through!
musikfreakmeg chapter 25 . 3/28/2014
Oh, I'm so happy that you've updated this! I'd kind of given up hope, and then suddenly there's that email in my inbox and you're surfacing again, and it's wonderful and awesome that we're going to get to see the conclusion of this beautiful story you've created.
AJayde chapter 23 . 11/20/2013
Hi! I love the story. I was wondering if you were ever planning on continuing it, though.
Winged Chick chapter 24 . 9/15/2012
Umm... So it's been roughly 7 months since you last updated... New chapter maybe?
AC chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
Hey there, me again. So since this story deserves AT LEAST a freAking thousand reviews, thought id give you another! :) just want to say, this is the most realistic maximum ride story ive ever read (well... As realistic as that series gets!), and i STILL cant get enough of it! Its amazing, your writing is amazing... :) love it!
AC chapter 24 . 8/26/2012
Favorite story on fanfiction. Point blank, thats it, the end. PLEASE UPDATE SOON?! You captured the charactures perfectly, and this is quite refreshing after the freaking disappointing end to the series...
musikfreakmeg chapter 24 . 8/26/2012
Beautiful emotion. Realistic dialogue and narrative. Honest and yearning and completely absorbing.

One of the most delicately done, touching Max/Fang relationships I've ever seen.

storyteller1425 chapter 24 . 3/4/2012
Holy. Cannoli. HOLY CANNOLI. This story is... PHENOMENAL. There are just not enough words to describe how amazing I found this story to be so far. Really, it's a wonder that you don't have at least 1000 reviewers, really. Hopefully I'll make up some of those missed reviews by giving you this whopper of a review. Enjoy!

So, I usually always start off with the technical aspects of the story. You know, conventions and such. Firstly, your plot is genius. Absolutely genius. I mean, sure, there's such thing as stories about Max and Fang writing to each other. However, I'm am one hundred and ten percent sure that there is absolutely nothing like this story out there. Nothing. You just grasped that idea so flawlessly and transformed it into a brilliant original piece. Not to mention how you executed the plot.

Really, the timing is fantastic. It's not too fast but not too slow either. I mean, I'm as big a fan of Fax as the next girl, but sometimes, friend Fax can come as cuter and sweeter than any couple Fax could ever do. I think that's because the build-up is what makes the relationship so special: the moments where they doubt themselves; the special moments between each other where their actions are on the verge of being a bit more than best friends. It's just so so so adorable. I love best-friend-Fax. Sometimes even more than actual Fax. :)

Your grammar is practically flawless. It's coherent and enhances your writing. I love how you set up the chapters, marking them by the day.

Okay, now is the content part. I think I've already ranted and raved half of the things I wanted to tell you but there's plenty more!

So the letters. I loved them very much. I think they definitely play a crucial part in the story because they're like the entrances to both Max and Fang's souls. When you think about it, they both convey more emotion than even when the story is being told from their perspective. It shows that they trust the other even more than themselves. You can really tell that Fang and Max have this extremely deep connection.

Speaking of which. Is it totally wrong of me to find their confusion of being in love cute? I mean, of course it's frustrating because they're being total idiots, but somehow, I find it endearing. They're so afraid of losing the other that they don't wanna risk anything. Somehow, I just think that's sweet. Stupid, but sweet. :D

I would also like to take the time to acknowledge the sub-characters because they build the story too. Iggy is my guy. I absolutely love him, and I always wish that I had a friend like Iggy because that boy is just hilarious. Brook is an awesome character too. I love the fact that she's Fang's mom because she is just so cool. I wish my mom was like Brook (... not that I don't love my mother very much, but a girl can dream ). And of course, Dr. Martinez and Ella are great as usual. Ella has made me laugh more than enough times. I am now certain that she and Iggy are made for each other.

So, bringing it all back together, my review has come to one conclusion: your story is a batch of pure perfection. In every way, shape, and form, it is perfect. The Fax, the build-up to the Fax, the support of the Fax, everything. I just love love love it!

Again, I'm very surprised you haven't received more reviews than you already have. But I have a theory. You know how your summary talks about the distance testing their friendship and you made the genre of this 'Friendship'? Well, the keyword here is friendship. For most FF readers, in my perspective, they want ROMANCE (rolling of the 'R' and everything). So when they see FRIENDSHIP, it's like a turn-off for them.

BUT! BUT BUT BUT. Don't change anything. Do. Not. Change. Anything. Your story is genius without having it be changed to romance. I find a certain charm to it because it is almost purely about their friendship. The way I see it, your story may not be the most popular out there, but it's a hidden gem. From how you've described them, you have amazing reviewers who take the time to actually, well, review. That's what counts the most. Maybe you don't have the most reviews, but the reviews that you do have are the real deal. They have effort; they aren't the poop that a lot of others give. Be proud, my friend! Your fanbase is fantastic.

That's my review for you. I feel as if it was more of a rant. Oh well. :) Once again, beautiful work. You write brilliantly. Keep up the stupendous work and please update soon!
zammielicious98 chapter 24 . 2/28/2012
aw that was sweet and funny! lol 'Mom! Fan's cyber-bullying me!' haha so jks...
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