Reviews for The Science of Failure
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
I love this! That is so him. And I love her insight that this was all a way to get the popular kid to play with him. :-)
chibi-luna-chan chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
This was so cute!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
jaja si alguien dijo una vez que cuando triunfas tambien fracasas y cuando fracasas también triunfas jeje asi pues megamente siempre jugo con metro man y al final qiera o no gano si fue exitoso mas que exitoso diría yo
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
He disagreed with her just to get that reaction, didn't he? Priceless.
GalanthaDreams chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
Not only is it sweet and cute, it shows surprising and probable insight.
Vast Difference chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Awwww. Warm, gooey cuteness... with some philosophy thrown in :-)
Nightmare Asylum chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
Ah... so Megamind is the Joker. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW.
OrangeAfterglow chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
AWWW! This so sweet and fluffy...and it actually makes sense to me! How weird is that? I'm amazed I can follow that ammount of twisted logic. I'm working on a fic based around a quote that would match up very well with this fic. I wrote t down somewhere but it goes something like "Even a defeat can be a greater triumph than a victory." ... the real quote sounds more inspirational...I wonder where I rote it down...

Ahem! Anyway, very good, loved it.
bobtheacorn chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
OH ALRIGHT, I loved this one! Loved it! There is something so distinctly SIMPLE about your writing style; it's not overly complicated, it isn't wordy. The way you lay words out is straight-forward and just LOVELY (and I'm going to go ahead, right here, and throw in that I am TOO FREAKING EAGER to read "Rain on the Just", because I am already in love with the way you write these characters, and I LOVE, LOVE long well-written fanfiction and I'm looking at that word-count and that tiny scroll bar and I can't breath, I just can't).

Anyway... about this one: I adored this conversation to freaking pieces. And one of the reasons I loved it so much is because you write these guys SO. WELL. Their voices were clear-cut the entire time, every bit of dialogue is excellent and it is really amazing when you can HEAR that specific way they would lilt certain words. It all made sense, there's that smart banter that was what made the film so amazing. I loved the way Megamind tried to describe what exactly all those battles were about (the whole "winning wasn't the point" deal is brilliant), and I love the way you write his gestures. That in particular really makes me smile; I love his gestures and the way you write them. And there's just something about THIS LINE that really MAKES this fic for me:

"You don't mean that all your posturing, all your grandstanding, all your diabolical schemes . . . and it was really just a way to finally get the popular kid to play with you?"

That is the EPITOME of Megamind's freaking childhood and I just burn with sympathy for him over it. That line is amazing, it's my favorite. And then there's the end of the fic! That last line, that genius man, I just... I can't with words. You make me incapable of forming them correctly (it probably does not help that it's 5 in the morning), and I am not even upset about this. I think I'm rambling. So I'm gonna take a breath, and back away from the keyboard, and hope I haven't frightened you.

I enjoyed this fic. C: Immensely. And I'm looking forward to reading more!
FearandLoathingXIX chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
Lovely story, the characterisations were spot on.
zabchan chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
wow, you really captured a side to megamind i hadnt contemplated before, and pulled it off splendedly. bravo!
Ari Eli chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Adorable. I envy you for being able to write so well; for about a year or two now I haven't been able to generate the tiniest spark of decent writing, and it's infinitely frustrating. I feel like I'm Megamind and I haven't been able to create anything useful for a long time. -angst angst-.

Teach me your secrets! I want out of this Writer's Rut.
Dreamsinger chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
I like how you were careful to add a lot of physical movement for Megamind, and how you paid attention to their speech patterns. I can hear their voices, especially the line where he says "No," in denial, I hear it as a slightly wavery "No-ou..." sound, half defiant, half hurt.

The only thing I 'd change would be to have him mispronounce masochistic (because even thought I hear it on TV now and then, in my head it's still mass-oh-chiss-tic, not mass-oh-kiss-tic, or however you really pronounce it). And then have Roxanne smile and decide not to correct him, since they're having such a serious conversation and all...

A very sweet fic. I will be checking out your other stories soon, especially your Dungeons & Dragons fics!
Yu-Gi-Ah 2.0 chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Oh that was cute, this is cute X3! I love the concept nicely done _~!

Chloe3000 chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Wow, good one-shot. Very perceptive. I like when fan authors actually make an effort to understand the characters instead of just playing with someone else's creation. That makes for a logical and fascinating storyline.
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