Reviews for Good and Evil
kimi-ebi chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
This text is well written and it is very interesting. Thank you for it !
math music reading chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
Thank you for writing about complex issues.
AEngland chapter 1 . 4/27/2015
Nice, unflinching look at the real quandaries of war...the aftermath and the putting of the broken pieces back together. I loved the stark, staccato-like painting of Germany after the surrender. I am sure it was a true dose of reality for the victorious know that not just soldiers suffered when nations went to war. I only wish America had held that memory longer than ten years. :/
Amberflame805 chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
This was beautifully written. You are a very talented writer
Waterloo1224 chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
This was an amazing short story, and it warmed my heart reading it, although it was a tiny bit bittersweet. Very nice job writing this story!
Miggs chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
He asked for mercy. America wanted to know why he should get it.

"Because," said Germany, "I have people, too."

-This, and the conversation pieces between Alfred and Arthur, these stick out the most for me.
fubibliophile chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
Wonderful look at america. Good job love!
River Jaeger chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
This is...I want to say nice but it doesn't seem the right word. It's written well and the story is very thoughtful.
RobinRocks chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
Wow. This is excellent. It's been a long time since I've read a Hetalia fic this deep that really examines the fact that the characters *are* actually countries. I think you did a really great job of exploring that, the fact that America really had become wrapped up in his own gung-ho attitude and propaganda campaigns and that it took him going out to the frontlines of Europe to see the human element of the war and for him to realise that the "bad guys" aren't all necessarily bad guys. Of course, that is all very much to do with perception and the actual war being fought, so I think comparing Germany (the enemy) to England (once upon a time an enemy but America's ally in this war) was a great touch. Obviously England's personality hasn't changed all that much between being America's foe and friend so I think it was a good way of dipping beneath the layers of propaganda to portray both the Allies and the Axis neutrally. )

Also, kudos on mentioning Captain America. He did his fair share of "Nazi-and-Jap-bashing" on comic book covers during the war, so saying that he might have been better equipped for the job is a shrewd observation.

Lastly, I liked the idea of America encouraging the Germans to come to his land for a better life. I think it really showed what he learnt during the course of this fic, that he was able to accept them so openly and didn't want them to be punished for the sins of the Nazis.

Well, it's just a really great fic! Great job!


shades of scarlet and gold chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
This was very good! I like you portray the emotions. And America was depicted quite well.

The best part, though, was how it really gets you thinking. Nice job.
anon chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
This was nothing short of lovely. I really appreciated your depiction of America and the conflict that comes, even with winning.
KitakLaw chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
This is really good. I love how you showed the war affected the civilians and the nations here, and I also think you showed the contrast between Arthur and Alfred's attitudes really well, too.