Reviews for Welcome to Hell
bng936 chapter 13 . 3/31
This story is soooooo amazing! I love it so much! I usually don't really read zombie au story, because... you know. But yours, I can't help but read it and I don't regret it, at all. I just love everything! I really enjoy reading this story. Thank you for writing and sharing it!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/23
I am not usually into zombie stories or AU stories but I loved this story of yours, although the end was a bit rushed, I felt. Great job though!
hollyi0i chapter 13 . 4/13/2019
Just Curious is this based On Zombie Land
hollyi0i chapter 12 . 4/13/2019
Loved This story great Work
BamPam34 chapter 13 . 12/14/2018
Holy molly! This was a great read!
Sucker for shipping chapter 13 . 10/4/2018
Waaaahhh! I'm crying! This is beautiful :333333
Sucker for shipping chapter 5 . 10/4/2018
Man, this really makes me want to play Left 4 Dead! I loooove thiiiisss
Sasusakulover chapter 13 . 6/9/2018
This my dear, is The Best fanfiction story I have ever read!
I loved it completely. I couldn't stop reading it since the begining. I was amazed by the thriller, the drama, the dark parts, the romantic parts. And OH. MY. GOSH. the action happening through the whole story!
AWESOME! That's what I have to say. For sure I am going to read this story again and again because it deserves.
Know that I am clapping my hands for your story.
Rupali Roy chapter 13 . 4/29/2018
What a story! OMG! What a story! Trust me it's too good that I can't define in words what I am feeling right now. I love this.
nydu chapter 12 . 8/15/2017
This has to be the best Zombie-Naruto fic I have read till date. I am beyond joyed and jealous that you wrote something so spectacular. The only problem for me iniially was how huge the paragraphs would be, splitting them gives the reader time to take in the information and also makes for more interest. If a para is too long the reader just loses interest somewhere in between the details. Cramming can be addicting but its best to just give off subtle details and reduce words or just break the para's.
But anyhow I just loved this a lot. Thank you for writing this ️️
brownvampire chapter 13 . 7/7/2017
The story is freaking amazing!
Lalit chapter 13 . 2/16/2017
So I don't usually read Zombie stories, because i cant stand zombies, but this was amazing. Everything was just beyond perfect, and i can't explain enough how awesome it all was.
DarkLight08 chapter 13 . 11/23/2016
Aah I just finished rereading this story and it's as phenomenal as I remembered it to be!
You've got exceptional skills in describing action scenes (ttebayo!) And your plotting (though the McD part was... *insert-sweat-drop-laugh-emoji-here*) was also really really greeaat! I love how you made us all (idk abt others, tho :'D) think that she's the sole survivor out of the four, but added a nagging possibility that the others might have made it through as well - and they did! Talk about the cat who got the cream :9 (a.k.a me) And don't get me started on how you weave all their abilities into this zombie apocalypse action-romance fanfic!
Yes, you've mentioned it in earlier chapters about typos, is it really spelled 'barley' in Canada? :o But it was nothing that us readers can't decipher for ourselves, so meehh it's finished anyways! (And to finish a story is one arduous feat to accomplish :' ah, the agony in waiting for an update to see the end of a story...)
Also, it's quite remarkable how much you know (knew, have known?) about all these military terms, and (albeit repetitive on my part:) how descriptive the action scenes are. I mean, wow, just, wow. :
Well, quite a lengthy review, not that I expect you to read this considering the time span :') So if you're not feeling quite up to it, I'll summarize: Welcome to Hell is just one hell of a heavenly story! 3
Guest chapter 13 . 11/3/2016
This fanfic deserves a lot more reviews and favourites! It's awesome :D
Cherry chapter 13 . 9/23/2016
Thank god they're all alive. Guess this fic has a happy ending too, huh. And wow, best fic I've read for a while. keep up the good work!
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