Reviews for HALF LIVES Holiday Special: CEASE FIRE
bleeb90 chapter 4 . 3/15/2017
Beautiful. I loved it.
bashfulglowfly chapter 4 . 12/29/2011
I enjoyed this story too!

The Milk and Fudge paragraphs made me laugh!
Pickleweasel1208 chapter 4 . 9/5/2011
Gaaahhhh awesome. I love the awkwardness and how much everyone is trying to make it a good Solstice for the kids... And the final chapter, with Winry finally seeing Ed's admission of love for Roy, and Al not giving in to her for the easy way out... Wonderfully written.
nochick-fics chapter 4 . 7/23/2011
This was lovely. I found in particular Roy's kindness towards Winry to be very touching, with a gesture that displays an acceptance and forgiveness that few are capable of, imo. I do wonder if that will be extended to another as I continue reading...

I can't believe I waited so long to read this. But it was welllllll worth the wait. Now onto the next adventure!
Inumimi1 chapter 4 . 3/8/2011
Another one of your stories I read through in one sitting! Your work is so touching, just perfect. Loved all the traditions of Solstice night you came up with, just as the FMA universe is slightly different than our own, so are their traditions, just perfect! As usual Ed & Roy are so perfect for each other, understanding the others true needs, Al knows that he does not know who he is yet while Winry still must reach a point where she truly finds herself. Also the reference to "the five Aerugoan ballerinas, the King's bath tub, the strawberry gelatin and the duck feathers" too funny!
Sonja Jade chapter 4 . 3/2/2011
another wonderful story in this universe. So very well written.
Nessie-san chapter 4 . 2/6/2011
I'm crying. That was so beautiful. amazingly beautiful, I don't know what to say. I- Thank you so much. Ed and Roy's relationship was PERFECT, and how Winry was still a little hung over from her's and Ed's relationship...and the KIDS! I love Maes, and how he's such a potty mouth, even at his tender young age, and Nina is such a little sweetheart, and...and...I JUST LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! I'm sorry I can't give you a proper review, but it's after two o'clock AM, and I'm probably a little over emotional from sleep deprivation, and this story is just can't talk, so I'm just gonna stop there. Please write a sequel, if you haven't already.
deline89 chapter 4 . 1/11/2011
incredibly awesome awesomeness! :D
LazyLamia chapter 4 . 1/4/2011
Finally Roy got his Solstice present - confession of love. Both Ed and Al have matured - they have learned from their mistakes. Only Winry seems to have still a long way to go and for now Al didn't let her repeat her mistakes. I hope that they will end together - more for Al's sake than Winry's.
Orange Singer chapter 4 . 1/3/2011
This is awesome! Very nice closure for the divorced couple. Powerful last chapter! I noticed a few misplaced quotation marks, so maybe a quick proofread? Anyway, this is great! I'm glad Al is taking his bro's advice so well.
LazyLamia chapter 3 . 1/3/2011
Everything goes well - Ed and Roy plays properly with children under watchful eyes of Izumi, Roy has dirty thoughts as always, Al dreams abiu impossible, and Maes is real son of his father. And now Winry has a reason to stop thinking that Ed hates her.

I hope that it's not calme before the storm.
Orange Singer chapter 3 . 1/2/2011
YAY THEY ARE GETTING ALONG! I love the dirty glares at the dinner table and Maes...oh god Maes. Funny stuff there.
LazyLamia chapter 2 . 1/2/2011
Finally Winry started accept this new situation and admit that Ed's new relationship helped Ed to be better parent (Garfiel and Paninya "explanation" was hilarious and very true). I also the idea of slutty Al ( five ballerinas?) and Ed behaving like spoiled brat (get this, get that, 'Jean'). The ending "drafty room" was sweet - Roy can sacrifice some of his own comfort for his lover.
LazyLamia chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Family gathering in Solstice night - wonderful idea for children, but quite difficult to carry on - only Isumi can persuade all participants to attend - it will be fun to watch this.
iStoleYourChips chapter 2 . 1/1/2011
I'm still waiting for them to all come together and see what ensues 3 I'm really loving this storyy and the whole Half-Lives Series! I can't wait to see what happens!
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