Reviews for Motivated for Friends -rewritten-
Mbreslin chapter 9 . 3/16
I love this. Please come back to it. I'm hooked and need to read more
madmiko chapter 9 . 7/23/2019
This was a great chapter! I am so sad that I am all caught on this story now. I'm glad Kagome confided in Iruka, even if it wasn't the whole story. The scene between Kagome and Kakashi where she hugged him and then wondered if he had substituted a log was priceless! And the look he gave her. Hot! Too bad he didn't think to pull down the mask or that would have played out completely differently. This really is a wonderful and unique story. Please come back to it and finish it!
madmiko chapter 8 . 7/23/2019
The Kagome versus Mizuki fight was really well done. Writing action scenes can be tricky and you did a great job. So, both Iruka and Kakashi got hugs. I'm glad the Hokage notices Kagome's contributions to the others around her.
madmiko chapter 7 . 7/23/2019
I love Gai! Kagome meeting him was so much fun! It would be great if she learned some taijutsu from him. And the box of scrolls was very interesting, too. I am almost caught up with all of the story you have posted so far. I know it has been a few years, but I hope you will be updating again soon!
madmiko chapter 6 . 7/23/2019
Loved Kagome and Kakashi's training battle. I wonder what HE thought about whatever position they woke up in after the movie. I felt like there was a piece of the story missing right there. It seemed that way in one of the other chapters, too. Kagome's demonstration of her expertise with the bow and arrow was really good. I felt so sorry for Iruka overhearing some of the other students talking about him. It's really too bad Kagome wasn't the one to go talk to him at the memorial stone. I have to admit to enjoying the hints that he and Kakashi are jealous of each other. And it's so sweet that Iruka wants to become stronger than Kagome so he'll be worthy of dating her. (Of course, I'm rooting for Kakashi ...)
madmiko chapter 5 . 7/23/2019
Nice chapter. I don't see a lot of fics with Kurenai in them, so it was nice to see her in this one. And Kakashi thinks she's a goddess, huh? I really enjoyed Kagome telling the stories over so they were much more interesting. I loved the way she bonded with Kakashi a bit at the memorial stone and with the flowers.
madmiko chapter 4 . 7/23/2019
This is a really good story so far. I like the unique way you brought Kagome into the Naruto world. I am really enjoying her friendship with Iruka, too. Looks like Kakashi taught her quite a lot in one weekend. I am wondering when she is going to find out about her father.
Genesis Perez Vejar chapter 9 . 12/18/2018
Waaaa I will not lose the faith that someday you update :c Even if I have to wait years ️
Shumiko chapter 9 . 12/28/2016
aw! kawaii!
YuukoXMocana chapter 9 . 12/28/2016
Please put the next chaper up ASAP! I'm dieing to know what happens next?! PLEASE
erica chapter 9 . 12/24/2016
loved it and thanks for the early christmas present~! ;)

hope to hear more from you over the winter break!
guest chapter 9 . 12/23/2016
Since you brought up Shippo being a fox demon, will Kagome meet little Naruto? I bet that would be so cute!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/26/2016
Omg I loooovvveee your story I really hope you update soon!
roguishtho chapter 8 . 1/7/2016
Pleaaaaaaaseeeee update!

This is severely well written and I love how you showed her progress, and this was one of the best Kag/Kaka pairings I've ever read so far!

Pleeeeaaaase gather up your inspiration and motivation, and give us another chapter!

Arigatō and ja ne!
EchoVictor chapter 8 . 11/30/2015
I love this story so much. I love the way you write and ugh omg please continue (:
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