Reviews for Never Alone
Yueh16 chapter 8 . 11/3/2017
I'm loving this story so far. Please update soon!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 8 . 10/26/2017
OMG what a place to leave off! I had totally forgotten that Bya got pregnant in this!
*thinking* As bound souls, Sen's bday should be the same as Bya's, so I request this for January :)
SesshomaruFreak chapter 7 . 10/26/2017
Cowards defacing his property pisses me off. Granted, when watching the anime, I had no idea what was going on and I was freaking out about Bya betraying them. But after the explanation I was ok. These people turning against Bya are assholes.
SesshomaruFreak chapter 6 . 10/26/2017
omg they're so hot together! And Kouga can go suck rocks! Leave Bya alone you demented nutbar! This is something sweet and beautiful and you need to go away. *throwing things at Kouga*
SesshomaruFreak chapter 5 . 10/26/2017
Awww! They're precious :)
SesshomaruFreak chapter 4 . 10/26/2017
Yay for Rukon blessings! *hides RenBya pics*
I really am glad he has such devotion and support from them. No matter what, I truly believe Rukia and Renji are two of the most important people to Byakuya. They're loyal to him and supportive and they actually CARE about him, as opposed to those who care just because he's a captain or just because he's noble and head of Kuchiki clan.
That don't mean shit to his friends. They care about what's on the inside, under kensaiken and haori.
SesshomaruFreak chapter 3 . 10/26/2017
Whew I think that trial went ok, except that little snarky bitch Aiya. VERY glad when Kenpachi and Renji vouched for him as well.
And the cherry blossom viewing, that's the party at the end of the rebellion arc, ne?
'matter of practice'...hmmm and just where did Bya get his practice? (please say Ren!)
Ugg can't stop the obsession! Like, damn, there ARE other people in the show! The world does not revolve around RenBya! *whispers* yes it does.
I give up lol
SesshomaruFreak chapter 2 . 10/26/2017
LMAO at Sen being surprised by getting hard 'what's this?'
They're delicious together. And the whole 'Master' thing gives it an extra edge of kinky ;)
*quiet growl* I don't like trials.
SesshomaruFreak chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Old phone XD
ByaxSen lovely! I don't really remember how this one goes but I'm down :)
Oooh there's this one awesome fanart somewhere of Ren, Bya, and Sen. Goodness, I have an obsession with Bya sandwiches lol

I actually just mentioned this one to timewaster (co writer of Broken Icicles) yesterday. Got me thinking about it, cause it'd been a while since I read this, and actually forgot it was one of yours XD
Yueh16 chapter 8 . 2/7/2017
I am loving this story! It's so beautiful! I really hope you continue writing it. I would love to see how it ends.
amazinglion29 chapter 8 . 6/3/2016
This is so beautiful! I really, really want you to continue this story! The whole idea of this is absolutely amazing!
asdfklj chapter 3 . 11/5/2015
"merely a matter of practice"... hmmm? Makes me wonder who Byakuya's been practicing on...
jenniferlane199121 chapter 8 . 9/19/2015
When are you going to put the next next one on here
Guest chapter 8 . 7/2/2015
Please keep going. I absolutely love this couple, they are perfect together and hope that baka Kouga gets wiped from Kuchiki-sama's mind.
Beaker chapter 8 . 2/27/2015
I feel so sad for them both! I hope something can be worked out.
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