Reviews for The Way we are
tploy chapter 20 . 12/14/2014
Good Story, I like how you ended it with Matt (kewel Breeze) getting treatments no cure similar to that one episode where his powers were malfunctioning and he tried everything to stabilize them nearly loosing them completely. If I remember correctly he ended up restoring his powers by flushing out his system of the tainted zevo compound that was causing the problems with fresh zevo and another cylinder of liquid nitrogen. Rather dangerous but successful cure, that also enhansed his restored powers as well.
Alice Tang chapter 9 . 12/8/2012
Kewl Breeze is my favorate character! Can you write mire about them?
great chapter 7 . 10/25/2012
I love it!
Naomi loves Calvin and Hobbes chapter 20 . 7/6/2011
Another cliff hanger! I love this.
Naomi loves Calvin and Hobbes chapter 19 . 7/6/2011
Good as always. Hey, when your new story is up, do you think you can email me when your first chp is? Thanks :)
Sage McGavin chapter 20 . 7/6/2011
stand by her

beside her

don't you leave her all alone

those are my lyrics any one caught borrowing them without my permission will be sued for everything they have jk
YoruichiKittyCat16 chapter 20 . 7/6/2011
YoruichiKittyCat16 chapter 19 . 7/6/2011
Justadreamer15 chapter 20 . 7/5/2011
so epic! im soo happy but poor jason its so sad
Chihuahua rocks chapter 20 . 7/5/2011
Ouch...something tells me Jason isn't going to be talking to Ellie for a bit and please don't make a fighting thing just a talk and oh god!That son of a bitch!I feel bad for Jason and Ellie especially Ellie!That just sucks!Ellie should tell him off!No not Jason...I mean it!Ellie should tell him that she has her own life and etc. to end his google-y eyes at her she's freakin pregos dude seriously!Well congrats on finishing your awsome story!I really luv it!I hope Bug gets his $$ kicked by Ellie! that would be a story!XD Yay,Matt lives!Kay bye!
Justadreamer15 chapter 19 . 7/5/2011
cnt wait for more!
Chihuahua rocks chapter 19 . 7/5/2011
T.T Oh,crap...He's dead!Oh I hope Ellie won't be too mad I know I wouldn't be too mad maybe a little but not too much but oh god I pray Ellie won't be too pissed and I also hope they don't get into a serious fight or I'll be so please DON'T make them fight with each other...And yay!Matt lives!Matt lives!Yaaaaaaay!God heard my prayer!You made my day with this chapter!
YoruichiKittyCat16 chapter 18 . 7/3/2011
Naomi loves Calvin and Hobbes chapter 18 . 7/3/2011
This is cool! but who is Laura? Is she just another character?
Justadreamer15 chapter 18 . 7/3/2011
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