Reviews for Kyoraku's Journal
7ShadowsUnleashed chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Well, you have at least one person who really liked reading this and thinks you are quite gifted [scrolls up to see six reviews, smiles gratefully]. This person seems to live within the "tragedy/ [anything but romance]" category because they know that a lot of thought and care goes into breaking down mourning or someone's thoughts before they die and they find introspection to be quite beautiful. They know there is probably something wrong with their "writer's cock-tale:" possibly too much mania, but they figure that that's why they write the way they write with their particular "style."

So not to waste any more of your time [if you ever read this] they say thank you and move on to read more fiction pieces in hopes of striking that cord needed to write their next chapter [because it is a angst-y one and they need to figure out a way to write sorrow when they have never felt this brand of sorrow].

Now they think they sound out of character, but don't care because those are their thoughts right now and they are thanking you so very, very much for writing such a wonderful one-shot.

[Why did I write in third-person? I honestly do not know ... I will just keep flowing through with it. And, by the way, in my first story I killed Neji Hyuga, my favourite character, so don't feel bad about such a thing. Obviously such words are rather past the point.]
FrostyFeline chapter 1 . 5/13/2011
T-T so made me cry, poor Juu, poor Shunsui! DX
Shunkaida ByaSaJu Yukish chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
I love this one so much I keep coming back to read it and every time it makes sorrow well up inside my chest.
LlafApplez chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
So saaaaaad... T_T I came back from camp, logged on, read this and cried. Awesome work X3 ain't their friendship just a MAGICAL thing? lol
Inkettrinket chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
1. Tragedy, friendship, angst are my ingredients to an amazing story.

2. Your story has achieved the amazing meter :)

3. Write more!

4. Great work.

5. So, SAD :( sob.
FlourTheCat chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
I remember posting my first story. It certainly is nerve racking, isn't it?

Anyways, I want you to know that I thought this story was amazing, and well-written enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Excellent job.
Little Miss Z chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
i cried lol

i'm soo glad u did this

u let him die with dignity just like u wanted

well done team lisa

it really is one of the best stories i'v ever read

write more! :P

love carrie