Reviews for Recoveries
sandysan2013 chapter 10 . 12/23/2016
Janto 4ever chapter 10 . 7/14/2013
Ohhh, that's wonderful. Yay for our favorite boy couple!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/6/2013
This was really great!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/17/2013
Thankyou. DottyWho.
Monocerosik chapter 10 . 11/14/2012
Wooow. I love it, I absolutely love this amazing story! It's wonderful, it's dark and beautiful and so fantastic and brilliant! A wonderful piece of work, I am impressed. I loved the dark Jack and how much he lost when Ianto died, you've pictured it so perfectly. And then they both trying to cope and breaking and despairing and grieving... Pure and perfect angst and a happy ending. I LOVE IT.
SHConsultMe chapter 10 . 10/25/2012
2:00 AM on a school night and I cannot stop reading Johnlock and Janto fanfics. But I have to say, yours is by far my favorite Janto fic so far! I LOVED this, it was so well written. I plan on reading your other stories as soon as I finish typing this; I can go without sleep for one night to read your amazing fanfics.
Alessan chapter 10 . 7/23/2012
Well Eternity alone is a punishment, within your love, it's a blessing.
Alessan chapter 9 . 7/23/2012
Yadda, told you, he would do almost anything to protect, the Universe, and Time itself. He trapped Gallifrey in the Time Loop, sealing the Time Wars, and the Time Lords with the Dalek army to die, after all.
Alessan chapter 8 . 7/23/2012
To answer Martha's comment , the Doc would do almost anything to protect the Universe, and Time itself, he killed his own species for that reason.
Alessan chapter 6 . 7/23/2012
Humm, mystery, mystery...

Is the one who brought Ianto, an older Jack, trying to right the Time Line?
Alessan chapter 5 . 7/23/2012
Hum, Jack's dark side from the Time Agency, the ruthless agent that had destroyed species for them.
It's only John Hart that spoke of that side of Jackyboy.
Alessan chapter 3 . 7/23/2012
i m thinking about some Time Lord , with a blue box (the another monster, because that's the way he had describe Jackyboy).

It just makes me think of the way Jack died and was brought up by Rose, the Doc being horrified by the new statute of Cpt Harkness.
Alessan chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
first, before i read your fic:

i think that all scenarists that kill Ianto should be dealt with (torture and killed at least). Particularly with the s4, where another character becomes immortal!

So i agree with your intend, (i may have done my own, shorter version of Ianto's resurection) and i will read something that have so much promises.

ParanoidInPink chapter 10 . 4/27/2012
Alrighty. Finally finished this. I have to admit, it became difficult at times. The main thing that kept me reading was your writing style. It was the first I've found that was actually decently written so I relished in it. However, yes, your story was really hard to get down at times. There was too much OOC for my liking. Not throughout, just the major events like Jack's lashing out at Ianto and the Doctor's choice for Ianto's life. I understand why you did it so I'm not going to claim it wrong. I'm just saying it angered me so. The ending was nice, though. It was worth the time reading this.

Outside of story, being a Ianto fan you need to listen to the Audiobook House of The Dead. It explains so much about Jack and Ianto's relationship. And, if you're smart enough, you can piece together the reasoning Jack waited so long before leaving on that hill. The House of the Dead can be found in a pack with two other audiobooks set post-Exit Wounds. The pack is called Torchwood: The Lost Files. I'd recommend getting the complete series. It's only $15. If not-get House of the Dead. It is a MUST. You'll have to revise your whole fanfic once you listen to it. There are so many things that angered me in the fic because I listened to House of the Dead first. I can't say anything without spoilers so please, PLEASE listen to it. Trust me, it's well worth the money.

Give it a listen,

Tommy chapter 10 . 9/22/2011
I loved your storie. plan and simple. COE i hated it. cuz i love ianto and jack. i wish the 4th season was just like your storie. Thanks:~)
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