Reviews for Retribution by the Fates
Takashi chapter 1 . 5/30/2018
Sinceramente no puedo sentirme mal por ellos, se lo buscaron y a gritos
Siddiqm2000 chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Good story
QOP chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Yessssss! That's how it should have been!
marietta chapter 1 . 9/19/2013
This is how it should have happened! Retribution by Fenrir, for "playing" with a werewolf, and using him as a weapon.
xX-Blue. Nymph-Xx chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Ohh, Sirius and James got what they deserved. Harsh but necessary.
RuterDam chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
I am sorry, but I really don't see how this story fits, even if it's au. First, James wasn't in on the prank. He saved Snape when Sirius told him what he'd done. Secondly, Sirius was punished. He was punished by Dumbledore for the prank, and I think the rest of his life (having an awful family, losing his friends, spending twelve years with the dementors) was a punishment in it self. Thirdly, James and Sirius were teenagers. Teens are stupid sometimes, it is as simple as that. Snape was just as bad as them - in fact, he was the one who started the rivalry on the Hogwarts Express by snorting when James said he wanted to be a Gryffindor. Both Snape and James changed when they got older - James for the better, Snape for the worst. And don't forget, he was the one who told Voldemort about the prophecy and signing both James and Lilys death sentences.
At least, I know my favorite out of those two. But it was interesting reading it from your point if view.
Syvah chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
Why is it listed under Tragedy? Oh, I see, the part where Severus is traumatized and Dumbledore's a jackass. Gotcha. *smirk*

I don't really think James was in on it, but he was still a mean little bastard. Much worse than Draco in my opinion. I'm fairly sure the only reason he saved Severus was to keep Sirius and Lupin from getting in trouble.

Ignoring all the inconsistencies -this obviously isn't meant to go along with canon- I enjoyed it immensely. I can't stand the Marauders, or Lily for that matter, so this made me grin.

Thanks for sharing. :D
MissCHSparkles chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
Interesting but it dosn't make much sense. For one, Werewolves aren't a danger to other animals so it doesn't make sense for them to have hunted the stag and dog. Also, a true punishment would invovle them realising what they had done was wrong while being taught a good lesson.

But I suppose it is very ironic even if it's likely that Remus got excuted by the ministry for what happened.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
And when Remus Lupin woke up in Greyback's camp, he was presented with evidence that he'd help devour his friends, once they were forced back into human form.

Even Dumbledore would have trouble covering _that_ up.
Naie Black chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
I could have actually like it (even though I love the Marauders) if it was well written. It sounded like you just hated them, and wanted them to die a painful death. You can't just make them evil, you have to have a good grounding for that. You should re-write it, the idea is not that bad, but you should work in developing the characters even if it's just a one shot
duj chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
I don't believe in the life debt. Snape doesn't seem to either in canon. It doesn't enter into his thinking when he realises he's condemned James to death, nor in Dumbledore's in his reaction., and Snape tells Harry and lily both that James rescued him from his own trap. *Can* one incur a life-debt to the person who set up the trap? If Voldemort had Stunned lily instead of killing her, would she have owed him a life-debt?

The thing you have to remember about Dumbledore's explanation to Hary at the end of PS is that he's a liar and deceiver, with a secret to keep (Snape's). And he *knows* his explanation is a lie, because Snape's protectiveness is all about lily, not at all about James. (IT was an unnecessary lie though, because he could just as easily have said, "You're a student of Hogwarts and Professor Snape feels it's his duty to protect you.")

I agree that James was in on the trick, but I don't think he was depending on a life-debt to push Snape away from Lily. I'm not even convinced she was his primary aim. He wanted to get Snape off his tail so he and his chums could do their illegal Animagus/werewolf outings (because *no one* but Snape was interested enough to catch them in the act), and he knew that Snape would be bound to silence (Dumbledore couldn't risk *that* news getting out) so the Marauders would be able to spin the tale to Lily any way they wanted.
Ms Llewellyn chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
...LMAO! I can't feel sorry for them. Bunch of toerags those bleedin' sods!
bookivore chapter 1 . 3/2/2011
I think their canon fates fit pretty well, actually.

James died because of another thoughtless prank pulled by Sirius. How do you choose a secret keeper? Pick someone sturdy, loyal, and not obvious. How does Sirius pick a secret keeper? Pretend that another one among 3 friends is not obvious, and skip the sturdy and loyal parts.

As for Sirius let's recap: he somehow persuaded Snape to run into an obviously dangerous situation (dark tunnel into haunted Shack, really), boasted of it to a friend, and the friend saved Snape from near-certain death. In Sirius' case, Snape quite possibly boasted how the Dark Lord had lured Harry into a trap, an obviously dangerous situation, lots of friends were assembled to come help, but the only one killed was Sirius who was playing around and killed by the Shower Curtains of Doom. Maybe Fate was tired of his pranks?
Cerulean Misty Blue chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
I love it - that was the proper way they should die :p And Snape gets the girl! :D
Sharkeygirl chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Great story! It's about time this happened! I loved this story!
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