Reviews for Pokemon Mary Sue Example
EchoTheHybrid chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
Anon chapter 1 . 12/20/2015
Great job, I think this chapter just about sums it up! I think clumsiness can be disputed, however. If it's clumsiness that doesn't affect how the character goes about the plot, then it's mary-sueish and a sad excuse for a flaw. But if their clumsiness causes an actual problem that there will be consequences for, it's a legitimate flaw. Also, they could have a scar as a result of their clumsiness, a normal way of getting one vs it being from the evil wizard who slayed their family and took them captive as a slave yadda yadda yadda.
fictionisthebest754 chapter 2 . 11/1/2013
i wrote a story once and someone wrote that it was too mary sueish
but i still dont see how
i mean she was upset about something from her past
but not completly
well peace
wolfboydude52 chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Why don't you see my OC? Reggie Allen Lumen. I would be happy if you read the entire thing, because his personality is slightly different after chapter 5. He has flaws, he has a short fuse and trigger (He gets REALLY angry if you set off the fuse), though he never lost, he was down to his last quite a few times, and he never backs down from a fight, or to help others, which have gotten him stronger, but have also gotten him in many bad situations. Also, he's killed a guy, and his pokemon, and didn't think anything about it besides "He's finally gone' so he's a little psycho. (By knocking him out after he hit the self destruct button, nobody else knows that he killed him.) If he is, he's different because he has a few flaws where as most sue's have one. They also don't have an unknown murder record. (Even if they do, that would be their motivation to overcome their flaw, he doesn't think anything about it.)
Silver Demon Sword chapter 2 . 12/12/2012
I'm not sure about mine. They have some sueish traits but mainly because of the plotline.
Buttonhat chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
That made me laugh. Very good work!
Aline azurE chapter 2 . 9/16/2012
Wow! Thank you very much for making this fic! :D
This is really helpful! I wish there's more of fanfic just like this. I already read few article abt mary sue but my concept still blur... This fiction help me!
Instant Fave!
JORTENDO chapter 2 . 8/5/2012 OC has two said traits: the powers and the self insert.

But not to worry, the self insert won't be the "gets together with the CC" fic.

I haven't put much though into the powers though. At least not as much as I should.

I'm going to use this as a guide
Wandering to the End chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Thank you for writing down an example Sue story. I was just chatting with my sister and she had no clue what a Sue was and was so tired she didn't understand when I tried to give her an example so tomarrow morning this will help me a bunch.
XxKoykoyxX chapter 2 . 2/25/2012
I just started a Pokemon story, an original OT story actually. I wanna to make sure that my Oc isn't too marysue-ish but since I don't have any reviews or even critique (which I need one badly, since I'm terrible at judging my own stories) I wonder if you were kind enough to check out...? You could either PM your opinion of it or leave a review, if you do decide to take a look.
Misfortuna chapter 2 . 5/2/2011
Haha this is great! Mary Sues are just like characters that are larger-than-life, right? I REALLY hate it when people do that to their main characters. Almost all main characters have to get every oppertunity and win every battle and badge. Sometimes Ash from the TV series can be Sueish. He wins every badge one way or another. -_-
TMNTurtwig chapter 2 . 3/22/2011
I just wanted to say that you should be careful about the flaws. Meaningless flaws are just that- meaningless. So what if you mentioned your character has dry scalp, everyone still falls head over heels all over them. So what if they're clumsy, it's not like that clumsyness would ever have any real effect other than providing romantic/embarrassing situations/encounters. Now, if that clumsiness got them captured by Team so-and-so, made them lose a championship, or something else of significance then it could be considered a flaw. The same with multi-colored contacts, don't just give them weird eyes for the sake of having weird eyes.

By the way, this wasn't meant to be about your stories. I have no idea if you write mary-sues or how you write their flaws or whatever, that was just for your help guide thing here.

Flashfire360 chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
This is hilarious! XD
Dragonsrule18 chapter 2 . 11/9/2010
Great job on the Mary sue guide! Sues are really annoying.
Cinnamoroll22 chapter 2 . 10/11/2010
Interesting examples of a Mary Sue! These sure will be helpful to anyone who reads this. Great job!
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