Reviews for Fidelity
LightShadowsh chapter 8 . 10/14/2013
lol. Ulquiorra REALLY is a brat xD
Guest chapter 3 . 2/14/2013
meeeh, I don't even know how many times I have re-read this fanfic..
pleeeeeeeease continue posting! I beg you!
could we maybe have a sadistic lemon...? c:
I love this story soso much, it's unquestionably the best Nnoitra fic I have ever read!
now keep it up, please!
toboldlyfangirl chapter 4 . 2/14/2013
ahah, the post below was by me, I forgot to log in...
stephie chapter 7 . 10/26/2012
yay im so glad you updated,will you be updating more regular now? :D
Lewd Concubine chapter 7 . 8/20/2012
Why is it so much fun to torture Nnoitra? I can't even. And what could be more torture for him than Yachiru? Even Szayel and Mayuri can't compare to this! As always, I just love his interior monologue. What a voice on that man. It's funny, but in fics and RP Nnoitra lends himself so well to comic relief. So easy to pick on the poor widdle he-man misogynist with delusions of grandeur. (I mean I know he's pretty great but the rest of the world doesn't.)

Also, I love how Yachiru is so nonchalant about Szayel boning her brother. Bwahahaha. And on that note, let the battle of the sadists commence. Soon. Please? :3
toboldlyfangirl chapter 6 . 8/19/2012
Wow! This plot/idea is great, I would have never expected it! Really well written, detailed and funny, not to mention suspensful, and shows Nnoi's feelings/thoughts well, I'm dying to read the next chapter! Write on :3 (by the way, I love your other fics as well! You're awesome!)
Heartlessful chapter 6 . 5/28/2012
! This story is so coool, you HAVE to update it! Don't give up on it PLEASE!
Zevyrus the Unsainted chapter 6 . 10/23/2011
Hey are you still alive o.o' cause you havn't updated any new chapters to your awesome stories!

w' I feel like i'm being pushy with this coment and I really don't mean to be.
Joker Joji chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Oh, geez. Awesome! I have no words to describe my happiness to find such a lovely (?) story, with a perfect combination of characters and an incredible plot. Seriously, even though you wrote at the end that this isn't one of yout best stories or so. I just loved it. Besides, there's the fact than I'm Brazilian, not so good in English, so the fact that I'm reading and really enjoying it is to be taken as a compliment! Hahaha :D

(No need to know that google translator is open all the time while I read 'Fidelity'...)

I don't have much time to read :/ I'm so sorry. But I intend to keep reading while you post it, cuz I really loved your writing. It's precise, and you have such a good vocabulary! And the story is really, really good. Liked the AU a lot.

Congratz! Hope you keep the good rythim of the story as it goes! :) xoxo
Axe-writes chapter 6 . 7/22/2011
This fic is Amazing, you are by far one of the bestfanfic writers who's story I've had the privelage of reading.

Sent by Moni on DA XD I am really looking foward to the next chapters. please keep it up.
Lewd Concubine chapter 5 . 7/18/2011
HEY hey so idk what you're talking about continuing my quest as this was interesting. I mean, what's not to love about Szayel poisoning Nnoitra over and over and I think you know what I did. Many times. To this.

Ulquiorra is also an ass and I love him. In fact, I'm hard pressed to come up with a set of character dynamics I DON'T like in this fic.

Totes worth the wait.

Bit of a perspective shift when Nnoitra was talking to himself about Grimmjow or maybe I'm just crazy. But other than that I find no flaw with anything.

brb need another bucket
akanamilas chapter 4 . 7/1/2011
Ah, I love this story! It's so freaking hilarious and, unlike some crack, very well-written. Surprisingly the characters still seem like themselves even with the changes. It would make sense that the characters are a little different, I mean, it's a different world. XD But, I do very much like it. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
MythicTrash chapter 4 . 6/28/2011
I really like this fic so far. you're a great writer. You should be a professional Author if you aren't one already. i know if you came out with any books i would definitely buy and read them
Heartlessful chapter 4 . 3/29/2011
Yay you updated again! I absolutely love this fanfic! I wish you would update more often though... But it can't be helped if you're busy. I love how you made the characters be the way they are, and I still love the flesh eating unicorn idea! Please update when you get the chance! Keep up the great work and update when you can!
Kirei-Tachibana chapter 3 . 3/26/2011
Oh my godz you got to be kidding me... Two of my 2 favorite things ever all in one chapter sugoy!
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