Reviews for Tulips
2pcsJTtdZjr8x7mY chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
I remember that time! We learned it in class it was called Tulip mania. Man we Dutch were OBSESSED with those flowers. xD It was indeed something to compare with Belarus's love with Russia. xD
This story was really funny xD The way Spain tried to talk to Netherlands about his ''problem'' and how Netherlands just acted like it was f*cking normal to have a room full with tulips. xD
Great job!
kittykatrocks12 chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Way to go Ned!

Love the history lesson. Here in Canada we have something called the Tulip Festival.
Mighty Agamemnon chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
This was pretty good, but I guess it was more For the Lulz? Because yeah...Spain was actually very strong back then (and actually still is today) so being afraid of Netherlands much less Romano is kind of OOC for him. Yeah he's goofy, but he's FAR from weak. I mean the Netherlands spent 80 whole years just trying to get independence from him which he was only able to do with support from England and France. So...yeah. Spain is much tougher than you portrayed him here. other than that though, the fic was funny especially considering the wacky history.
ValGo chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Good story, but please in spanish is not "Por Favour" is "Por Favor", and "Holanda" is just one way to call the Netherlands, we also say "PaĆ­ses Bajos" ;)
Random fangirl chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
Ooh, awesome~
ike3 chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
OH GOD. I couldn't believe you were right until I Googled it.


I don't know what to say DD: Oh Nethelands... Oh Turkey...

On a side-note: Poor spain xD
Readers-Section chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
This is what Hetalia fics are about, humour and history all mixed up nicely. I loved this!
0ptimuspenguin chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
Peridot Tears chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
I can vouch for "por favor." -Raises hand- It's spelled...well, yeah, it's spelled without a "u." I took Spanish back in middle school...

I believe "broer" is right though. I've seen it a number of times.

-Opens mouth, then closes it-




History is...scary...

xD -shot-

Ahem. Anyways.

...XD Poor Spain~

"Are you - you're giving me a present~?" The HELL HE IS, Spain xD

Netherlands has a problem! -Runs-

user9439839083209 chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
Ahahah :D That was amazing! In fact, it was hysterical! :) The tulip thing was interesting as well, I would have never known that if I hadn't read this. Therefore, you have made my life better with this fan fiction. Many thanks. :)
Silent Pandemonium chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
This siriously made my day, damn, I wished there were more Spain/Netherlands fics like this...

Great job!
Cancerous Galaxy chapter 1 . 9/20/2010
XD WOW... That's all I have to say. And no, Nations never learn the first few times around. I mean, it's taken Spain practically his entire time with Romano to learn how to deal with him, and even then he isn't faring too well with him!
behindthetruth chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
ahah loved reading this. never knew the Netherlands actually had an addiction O-o

as for the dutch translations.

they're right, though it would sound more natural to use mijn broer(tje)

this means my (little) brother

Fox-Sin chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
lolzs awesome
Heixarn Mizu chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
Hehe~ funny~

At the first I think Romano would have a fight with Netherland...

I want more~ :3

Warm regards,
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