Reviews for The Fusion Job
Phonesy chapter 2 . 1/17/2012
Oh, how I love your humor. Keep it up, and don't leave us hanging for too long!
Night Essence chapter 2 . 10/16/2011
This awesome. As a fan of Leverage, I'm enjoying the consistency and basic layout of the show. But I love how you've done this story, it's brilliant.
KiaCoral chapter 2 . 7/13/2011
you have definitely caught my attention with this story, so i'm really really really really really hoping that you continue it, and then finish it. also, i'm not very savvy with some of the 'roles' that the characters fulfill, although 'hacker' and 'thief' are a bit of a given obviously. so, would you mind explaining (i'm god damn curious)? :)

anyway, love the writing, the story, the idea, etc, so you better continue.

keep up the good work. XD
PollyWantCookie chapter 2 . 6/5/2011
This is great stuff! Really exciting smooth crime thing story - I love it! Perhaps you'll continue...?
Velveteenrabbit chapter 2 . 1/19/2011
3. I think I might be in love with you (even more so when I discovered it was you who wrote 5 times Eames made Arthur smile). If only Leverage was like this. So let's see Arthur is Eliot, Ariadne is Parker (?) Yusuf is Alec, Cobb is Nate. That would make Eames Sofia? (roflmao) Update soon plz
wild wolf free17 chapter 2 . 1/19/2011
This is awesome! That little conversation about the late maybe-South Africans had me giggling aloud for awhile.
MissSilver chapter 2 . 1/17/2011
Interesting. Very interesting.
Moony92 chapter 2 . 1/14/2011
This is just so cool. I always thought that if the sci-fi dream sharing wasn't involved, these characters would still make exceptional con artist/hackers/other morally ambiguous white collared professions. And you tell the story so perfectly! It's such a great read, I'm looking forward to reading more. :)
2561678 chapter 2 . 1/2/2011
Dun Dunn DUHNN!
shizzam chapter 2 . 12/23/2010
I'm not familiar with the Leverage fandom, but it is obvious that I need this story in my life. Sooooo good.
mea-kh chapter 2 . 12/18/2010
One word: AWESOME!
Essie chapter 2 . 11/14/2010
you and your cliff hanger. AGH i really loved this ariadne too. Sigh. oh well.
Sony Boy chapter 2 . 9/15/2010

YOu made Arthur a Hitter. Arthur. He-actually with alot of thought and wiggle room I can see it. Still I would have thought him the Hacker but then what/who would Yusuf be?

Eames as the grifter. Obious and perfect.

Ariadne the theif. Okay. No prob.

Actually I'm okay with everyone being who they are. Plus it also makes Arthur more BAMF.
Lurk chapter 2 . 9/12/2010
Leverage win. Inception epic win. Mixed together too much win for words! ;o)

I love this story! You, my dear, have become one of my favorite Inception-fic writers! The plot is great and intriguing (can't stand the cliffy ending though, since I have no patience;)and you are so good at keeping them all in character. You're great at balancing the drama, the mystery (of the characters past) and the humour ..and so on. I love the dynamic of the team so far and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
swampophelia chapter 2 . 9/12/2010
first of all can i say congratulations? i love leverage and i've been waiting for this crossover for a long time! secondly, though i understand why ariadne is parker in your fic (because recasting is so difficult), i'm not comfortable with it because parker is crazy and ariadne/yusuf is just...wrong. she's like a mix of sophie and parker now, because eames is eames and can't be anyone else. i'm excited and scared of what you will do to her character, given how she's now 3 characters in one.

your dialogue is excellent, in terms of the leverage-verse. the dynamic between eames and everybody is spot on. so we're in season 1 leverage then? (i loved season 1 more than 2). arthur the hitter/pointman is perfect. i wonder if you'll be introducing anything related to inception aside from the characters in this?
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