Reviews for Baby on board!
Nightshade chapter 33 . 7/5/2018
Okay so what if you had Swiftsong suddenly using sign language to communicate and no one could figure out where he learned it then have sunstreaker or ratchet or hound teaching him? I dont know why but the idea makes me giggle a lot.
OptimusHuman chapter 52 . 3/12/2018
I've read this story so many times and I still hope one day more will come 'cause I wanna see the council get chewed out by Jazz, Prowl, Ratchet an' co 'cause I can just imagine how well that talk is gonna go
kayla chapter 52 . 11/5/2016
hey, I just stumbled upon this fic about a week ago and before the 5 chapter I was totally hooked
awww, prowl and jazz are totally precious, my OTP
bluestreak and skywarp? a very interesting pair but I can see the dinamyc between them working, once they clear the air about their relationship status - friendly? friends? in denial about their mutual atraction? in love? too scared of thundercracker to make a real move? (the last one was for bluestreak)
about smokey, our last praxian...I think it would be good for the storyline if at least one praxian ended up as a carrier; and since both prowl and bluestreak turned up to be sires...'sides, out of the datsun trio, smokescreen always pegged me as the more "emotionally gifted", with him being a psycologyst and all. he would make a far better suited mommy than his brothers. and about the sire/daddy...
well, sideswipe wanted a sparkling, didn't he?
besides, acording to you, the praxian heritage made the datsuns really fertile, maybe enough to overcome the medical impases ratchet presented to sideswipe.
and it would be really funny for prowl to come back to find his last remining brother got himself sparked up during his absence, and to sideswipe...
yeah, let's bring the acid bullets... ;)
Autobot Guardian chapter 52 . 2/19/2016
When are you going to continue this?
Autobot Guardian chapter 18 . 2/19/2016
... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Looks like SOMEONE'S mad a Primus for giving Prowl and Jazz twins! LOL!
InnactivewRiTeR chapter 52 . 12/21/2015
I've read through this whole thing and I'm highly imressed, I really enjoyed reading this.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/8/2015
Ratchet is descibed very good but he would have more cussing.
AliceSylvia chapter 52 . 11/2/2015
This is a great story! I hope you finish it someday.
Shadowwolffire chapter 52 . 9/11/2015
Please let their be more of the story
Alana-kittychan chapter 52 . 9/6/2015
Oh what drama but yay about time jazz and prowl bonded woo
Alana-kittychan chapter 18 . 9/6/2015
Oh god reading this so far I love how you have written all the characters, ratchet amuses me the most so far haha XD
Jazzilynn Hall chapter 18 . 9/8/2014
LOL, I guessed this would happen back when Ratchet first started saying 'what else are you going to do to me?' when they found out Jazz was Sparked and he started having mood swings. I mean, what could be worse for poor ol' Ratch then having to deal with not one set of twins, but two?
McRai thePrinx chapter 52 . 12/1/2013
Oh poor kid. QQ
LunarNightDreamer chapter 52 . 9/18/2013
I love it, you must update this story, please update soon as you can *makes puppy dog eyes at you, and holds up a box of your favorite sweets* please for all your fans
Fangthehedgewolf chapter 30 . 8/31/2013
Now, if only they could visit the mad hatter and he asks that question.
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