Reviews for Trouble
Melinda chapter 1 . 6/15
It's been 5 years and I never get tired of this fanfic, decided to reread it in 2020 and not sure if it was a good decision as the nostalgia is choking me. Thank you so much for this awesome work. It brings me right back home.
memaikins chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
I know you're probably not around to check on comments like this all that much, but I just wanted to tell you that this fic has inspired me CONSTANTLY throughout the years. I read it as it was being written, waiting every day for a new chapter to drop, and even now, I have it lovingly saved on my phone to reread it. It's just that good. The way you've written the characters make them so much more than what they present in canon.

In turn, I've also started writing my own fic too 3

I hope you're doing well, wherever you are.
MiraRead chapter 16 . 4/7/2019
Ok so this shaving scene is by far on of the best sexual tension moments I've read in a while. Like damn! I love it! Great story so far and I can't wait to finish it.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
One of my all time favorite fics
Guest chapter 47 . 7/28/2016
After all these years, I still read your story over and over! 3 It' easily under my top 3 fanfictions. Thank you for bringing me so much joy and heartache, I can't put into words, how much I love your work!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/18/2016
This is amazing. One of the nest stories I have ever read keep up the good work.
IxVXIVIxVxI chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
even now this story holds up as amazing.
sophister chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
i read this story a couple of years ago and loved it. and i just wanted you to know, you're the reason i name my fo3 characters Johnny Saint now, haha. thank you for writing!
OedonWrithe chapter 38 . 11/10/2015
The binary code says:
Harkness, come on.
Wake up.
What? You gonna let some dumbass light show beat you?
You are a machine, bastard. A fuckin killing machine. No light show can keep you down. Wake up so I can kick your ass.
Babe, wake up.
Razzledazzy chapter 47 . 11/8/2015
I felt so. Gosh. So in tune with this story. Harkness' whole journey. It's really relatable to anyone who's had to re-learn how to live. The whole thing. How Butch dealt with his feelings. The two different types of how he pursued. I'm sorry I cant be more articulate. This fic and the upcoming new game has reduced my mental capacity to a constant screaming. It's a complimentary screaming though.
JessieMellow99 chapter 47 . 11/6/2015
I'm kind of in love with everything you've every written. You're the reason I made an account. I've spent the past three days reading all your stories... Sen P
GlimHutcherson chapter 47 . 2/16/2015
I read the whole story in a couple days because of a few fanarts I had seen. It was mostly unexpected (I mean the amazing complicated plot). The writing is great and the last two chapters were stunning. Your portraying of Butch is crazy and soooooooo interesting. I also adore Johnny since he looks so much like my own lone wanderer (buy mine was a woman called Josh) and the part when he says that he would give his life for anyone but stayed alive etc... I LOVED it. You made me ship Butch x Harkness, obviously.
Charon is my bb chapter 47 . 8/26/2014
This was beautiful and amazing and wonderful and omg I love you bby
winegoldsayuri chapter 47 . 7/6/2014
Aw, I really really love this. You have quite a unique writing style (in a good sense).
This whole story seems very carefully thought out. From the beginning to the end. There are so many small things and dots which connect to each other over the course of the story. And that's one of the things I love in a fanfic! Reading something (be it a small phrase or a thought) and thinking "Oh, this relates to something from one of the previous chapters". Because of this you can really see and feel Harkness' and Butchs character evolve and grow. As they say, sometimes it's the small things that count. ;)
Special mention goes to the whole idea of making Harkness read colors in RGB and chapter 38 which is all written in binary code (pretty cool idea and very fitting).
I also like that you included Big Town. When I played the game I for some reason didn't really pay attention to Big Town or the characters there. But after reading this I want to go back. Your characterization of all the Big Towners makes them so likable... Shorty, Pappy, Sticky, Dusty, Kimba and the rest. I also like Saint (and I don't often like OCs in fanfiction). When he first showed up I was unsure as to what to make of him. Then he "kidnapped" Butch and I wasn't too happy with that. But after everything that happens afterwards you just gotta like him. :) I like his humour and the relationship between him and Butch. They're a bit like brothers.

You've also found the perfect ending. The little play on words about "trouble on the ship" (which brings the reader back to some of Harkness' earlier thoughts when their relationship just began and makes you see how far they've come) makes for a nice finish.

Thanks so much for writing this! Thanks for adding such a gem to the (unfortunately rather small) Fallout fandom. :)
Maverick88 chapter 47 . 6/22/2014
I stumbled across this story during my deviantart explorations. Or basically, I found the art that was inspired by it, and figured that if a story can inspire art that beautiful, it has to be pretty damn good. As usual I'm very late to the party, but I figured it couldn't hurt to write a review anyway.

In the beginning I didn't really know what to think of it. Harkness' very frequent use of the word bullshit everywhere seemed off and the actions and the conversations between characters seemed...strange. But you're a shower, not a teller; you unpack everything. You let the reader draw their own conclusions. And suddenly the dialogue didn't seem odd anymore. You leave threads and pick them up again later. It hinted at a lot beneath the surface. And I haven't seen many authors do that and pull it off.

The developing relationship between Butch and Harkness is a beautiful thing to behold. I love how it unfolds, how we come to learn more about these characters with each chapter. I also love how you drew Harkness, the struggle he has with himself. Every character has layers.

A writer once said that a good story needs to have at least 3 fantastic passages. Yours is basically one big fantastic passage. The tension between Butch and Hark is riveting. The fight scenes are fantastic. And the ending is perfect. I wish I could download this and put it on my e-reader as it's as worthy as any quality novel. You ever consider putting it up on Archiveofourown as well?
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