Reviews for I order you to sleep with me
FUCKYOUASSHOLE chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
I just finished watching Black Butler season 2 and I really love Claude x Alois! I really, really, really wanted for Claude to reciprocate his master's feelings but... Since that didn't happen in the anime. Well, I'm beyond happy and grateful for awesome fanfics like this one.
Amazing work! I really enjoyed reading it. It was so good. I think this should've happened in the show. I really ship these two so hard.

( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 )

( F ) ( i ) ( r ) ( e ) ( b ) ( a ) ( l ) ( l ) - ( F ) ( u ) ( c ) ( h ) ( s ) ( i ) ( a )
hideyomitsuno chapter 1 . 11/22/2013
hee hee! alois is funny in this one. willing to try new things huh? i like it. well done!
Skarlettefox chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
Er...crazy whore much!?
pretty good XD
ryukateyoursoul chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
that was a pretty good story i totally wish that i had that much of an imagination to wite like that i am a big fan of yaoi but the best i can do i just write stories about love inbetween characterxoc and t rated for cring out loud tell me how do think like that anyways my friend and i are new to this so we dont have any stories but we have a shared account and we sheould have stories soon we are ryukateyoursoul and you and i have the like the same parings sorry for the random explinatin when this was supposed to be a review but this is the only way i can comunicate with peolpe on here at the
lisa.demonic.angel chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
selena23loveless chapter 1 . 10/28/2011
You portrayed Alois' personality very well and the end is so fluffy! I liked it!
Yuka Hasumi chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
luffles chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
oh mai goodness.

this is amazing.

i love how you kept alois and claude in character.

and the ending is so sweet.
TemoriMotosu chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
when Alois said put it in put it in it reminded me of my rp i did with a friend but it was putting a DVD in the thing then they fucked around
EarlInACoffin chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
And here I am; see? I didn't forget you. :)

I like your story. I would have liked it more if you had written about an older Alois, maybe, because I'm not really a fan of M-rated shoutacon, but I think you write quite well even not being born in England and I enjoyed the reading.

The personality you wrote for Alois fits him well in my opinion: he was not OOC, I really like how you portrait him, his inner fear ( being alone, abandoned by Claude ) and his desire to be free. Maybe you could have specified a bit more Claude's personality and I think more description, even of the sexual intercourse, would have been better for you story, but even so I find it pretty good.

I'm so sorry you won't write Claude/Alois anymore ( you wrote it in another fanfiction, if I'm not making a mistake ), I would like reading another fanfiction about them written by you. Oh, well. :)

'til next time, chu.
HoshisamaValmor chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
I love how you write so well the unstable mind of Alois and his tragedy. It's so good and sad at the same time to read such a well written and accieved fic.

Loved this obviously. Claude is a fucking emotionless liar and all, but the point is Alois, and he's perfect in here
LuvGreece chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
.Love! Oh Alois you knew Claude would do anything for you:)
RebeccasanFujiEijiLVR chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
this was good, aloisxclaude.
Junjou-chan chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Wow...this was really intense. And I loved it! Everyone was in character and I found Alois' mood swings to be oddly amusing. The kiss at the end had my fangirl side squealing with joy. This was a really creative lemon; I don't believe I've read one where people have done it in a storm. It was a surprise, and I loved it! I loved this whole thing! -

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