Reviews for Lágrimas Sucias
kittykatrocks12 chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
I want to punch Spain for the pain he is putting Romano through

Great story
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
This was so tradgic! I love it!
by.the.candlelight chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
I really can't express how wonderfully wonderful and amazingly amazing this is. Seriously. I hate to sound like a broken record, but your characterisation is REALLY top notch. It astounds me as to how good you are. The concept of them using each other as replacements is unique and sets up a hate filled atmosphere, further aiding the perfection of this fic. This is written so well, it hss already made my day!
Takeo Kin chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
Mein. Gott. I think I just fell in love for your story. It's too perfect. The replacement thing just made my heart hurt. Specialy the fact that it's about my dear Toño and his beloved Lovi. i.i Oh, and there was England and Alfred, too. Whatever. -w-

P-please, Master España, forgive me! Don't make my punishment –

I laughed so hard at this part. England, you're a PIRATE there! XD

Very, very, very, very well wrintten. I think I started to love SpainxEngland because of you.

Im' sorry if my English is too terrible. I'm good at READING English. Not writing. D8
Wilde About Oscar chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
Ooh, I love this story. :D Very well written, well done!
rinkaku chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
I really love wha you've done with this story. I really, really do. :)

Given that I am a romanticist at heart—and secret indulger of UKSpain—but who says a little angst isn't good? I hadn't ever thought about the possibilities of these two using each other as replacements, and even if (as said in the comment below) it would make more sense if Alfred and Lovino were the replacements, I still really liked this story. Though it totally depressed me that Romano has to suffer, too... ;w;

Regardless, great work!
chocolate-ribbons chapter 1 . 12/18/2010
Oh wow, beautifully written! We definitely need more of this pairing. 3 *hands over bouquet of roses*
octello chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
This. Is. Fantastic.

That is all.

Except not. It reads just like poetry and flows so well and is so sharply dark and wonderful that I am entranced and can't look away and love it and love the softness contrast with the roughness.

That is all.
lunareclipse3 chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
Whoa. I'm like super jealous that you can write poetry. The poem's very good. And so is the fic. I like how you put the...explicit...stuff in italics and parentheses. The story's excellent in many ways from sentence structure to the actual ways the characters act.

Whoa. Look at that my first worthwhile review

0ptimuspenguin chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Ooooh, I loved it C:
SherezadeS chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
I really really loved your story, and the way Arthur moans for Lovi to hear him! OMG! Lovi jealous and with his ear against the door is absolutely adorable!

But I must say I didn't understand your poem until I read it in english, cause there are a few mistakes with the conjugation (i'm not sure if this word exist) of the verbs and the gender of nouns. The correct translation would be:

"Niño, ensucia tu cara

con tus lágrimas enfermas.

Deja tu sangre fluir (or: deja tu sangre correr)

Llora, llora.

Niño, rompe tu corazón

con tu retorcida mente.

Deja que tus demonios te posean.

Llora, llora."

Well, I would like to make this review longer, but I'm not really good writing in english, and I'm sure I already made lots of mistakes so...

Keep on writing! Besos!
Midna112 chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
I love this pairing with passion, it's just too hot XD but just a little advice. Never trust Google Translate XD
Malus chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
Neat :D

Funny though, I've always look at it the other way around. I think that Alfred and Lovino are the substitutions for what Spain and England had earlier in their lives with each other, but I do believe that they ended up truly loving their "substitutes". I mean, before Lovino or Alfred were in the picture, these guys were married eight times. After Mary's marriage to Philip ended, Arthur broke up with Antonio and here is when things get ugly between the two. Their relationship reminds me of a couple that I know that got divorced and well... It wasn't pretty.. one of them (the guy) has now a girlfriend that reminds us of his ex-wife (not only physicaly but personality wise too), it pretty funny, we make fun of him about this from time to time.
BlameItOnTheUnicorns chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
never read this pairing before, but it makes sense :)

When I read the summary, I just had to read the story. It was either really good, or just some PWP. Either would have been ok, but I just loved that you put so much with emotions in it. I'm very glad that you made it so dark and mental :)