Reviews for Illuminated
Vegx chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
This was beatiful written, I loved the flow of the story and how u made this sweet and somehow sad and poetic, ur a great writer
Aska Rain chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
I love your fic. It is beautifully written. Wow, i can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate this fic. You captured a moment of true love in my opinion. It wasn't just a moment of lust and I really like that.

(You might also have just made me into a fan of Hurts. Their song Illuminated is amazing...and addictive.)
InsaneChickOfWriting chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Absolutely beautiful, haunting in a way. Not too fond of the song, but the fic was simply amazing. You really grasped their relationship and made it pure, and that's how they are.
Brunette S Angel chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
B’ah! New story! :D So happy! I love it when your muse takes over. (Thank you Klik’s muse!)

I had to listen to the song on YouTube before I read the story because I have a hard time concentrating on what I’m reading when I hear music or people talking. I’m weird that way, but I found the song to be so… what’s the word I’m looking for? Deep, profound, magical, deep. Deep keeps coming back to mind. It was beautiful.

And that feeling applied to your oneshot and I can totally hear the music in the background as you wrote about the purest of love between the blond and ravenet. I can understand how that song would have inspired such a beautiful story and my heart wept for them as they were totally illuminated in the love they shared together. I felt sadness instead of happiness because you wrote in the synopsis that this scene takes place before “all hell breaks loose” and I have a pretty good idea what hell you’re referring to. It’s so tragic and the part that makes this scene so heartbreaking is because they lose themselves in each other and have no idea what is to become of them.

“life was fleeting and that love too could be lost just as quickly” Because we know Zack’s fate and how that eventually affects Cloud’s life, it’s such a sad way to end such a beautiful story. This is the most painful angst (and best, seeing how I love it) you could have written; Zack x Cloud. It feels good but my heart is pounding and I have this urge to wrap up in a blanket and cry for them. (How obsessed with Clack am I…)

This was a truly touching oneshot. You wrote it so perfectly and I loved how you used that style of language to preserve the feeling of the scene. Reading this, I could see Cloud and Zack truly illuminated.

Thank you Klik’s muse, indeed.
raised-perdition chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
This was so beautiful. It's a shame I read so fast. I didn't even get halfway through the song. TT_TT Anyway, nice job! I LOVED IT!
Divanora chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
Ahhh! Thank you thank you thank you! I heard this song a few times on tv, but of course there's no name and I WANTED it. So now I know, and it's already downloaded and on my playlist ;)

And I love how you wrote this - it's so descriptive and beautiful, without being graphic.

Just curious - was there a time frame you were thinking of for this or is it even canon? Not that it really needs to have one - just it would be very bittersweet if it was say, in Nibelheim.
Cooldudette chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
This is wonderful! I really love it. ITs totally how love should be :) I listened to the song while I read and it totally set the scene. :D
DarkBombayAngel chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
It is really beautiful. -
BuckieWrites chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
GAH! You got there before I did! I love this song so much and it totally reminded me of Cloud and Zack I thought I should write a fanfic about them but I'm soooooooo busy _ But you got there first! Beat me to it hehe!

Anyway back to the story...

This was lovely and totally relates to Clack and the song. I loved it, how emotional and deep it was 3

Ahhh, I'm gonna go listen to some Hurts now and buy the ticket to go see them 3
StarRice chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Foreshadowing at the end? " show that life was fleeting and that love too could be lost just as quickly." Sounds like it to me. And your right, it does sound more meaningful with the music in the background. Goodjob, very...deep.
Princess Turk chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
This is what real love should be like: a complete out-of-body experience and time standing still, even if for a moment. If only we could all be as lucky as Zack and Cloud in your story. Very poetically and beautifully written, and the song playing in the background added to the mood wonderfully.
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
that was beautiful simply beautiful love how you described and expressed the story i wish you could write more of this i like it alot