Reviews for Biting My Tongue
idiotbx3 chapter 1 . 4/6/2019
ugh, what a great fucking story, short, but sweet and not overtly fluffy
Me chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Cute, you get them and I like the idea.
Alaena Night chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
I read this through once to pick up the gist of it and the second time once I'd figured out the speech patterns. That said, I loved it! I love all the things they couldn't bring themselves to say. I just love VxM, period!

Very well-written fic! So much fluff. And many hurrahs for Valentine's day fics! It's strange that I stumbled upon this less than a day after it was created...five years ago.

Anyway, though it might help to put the character's inner thoughts on the same line with their dialogue, this was still very beautifully written!

Happy (late) Valentine's Day.

AstroLatte chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
"That’s my girl. I’ve missed someone to verbally kick my ass every now and then."

PinkFalcon chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Who! That was damn good! I love the italics bit-and so realistic! I think we've all had conversations like this. Waff is good sometimes.
Azure dream chapter 1 . 7/30/2005
Amazing! I never get to see such great Trigun fics. Definetly a thumbs-up.
Angelus diabolicus chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
gaaway ::::
Dormantly banjkazfan chapter 1 . 10/31/2004
hmmn...after mulling all your info over in my head, i realized that you're right! honestly, i was half-asleep during episode 19, "Goodbye for now" and i didn't know that she knew.

secondly, you're right about the 'true' definition of a flame. i have recieved worse 'constructive critisism' than that.

you're right again that, i went overboard with my anger. check later for an updated chapter two. please? it would also mean alot to me if you'd respond to the updated version [when it comes up, anyway .] to adress the POV thing? well, what can i say _ i've seen other peoples write like that, and i don't think there's any other way! T_T i've been busy reading the Davinci Code and my brain is scrambled all up.

thanks much for your review, adn i hope you will check for the modified chapter two!
Crystal Twilight chapter 1 . 10/10/2004
Aww... How cute, although at times it was a bit confusing to figure out whose thoughts were whose. But still fluffy and adorable! YAY!
Kawaii Youko chapter 1 . 9/28/2004
I love the double-talk effect you have going on throughout your fic. I'm not a Meryl/Vash fan personally, but I adore how you wrote this. This is hitting the Favourites List.

Keep writing.

~K. Youko
Ryuutsu Seishin Hime no Argh chapter 1 . 2/1/2004
Really good, short, sweet fic. I love the way you expressed their true thoughts interspersed throughout the spoken dialogue. Please write more Trigun fics, you're quite good at them.
PS: Sorry if this review is submitted twice, my internet connection is a piece of crap today.
Mabel4gs chapter 1 . 1/2/2004
Wow. Some people can't take criticism. Albeit, pretty acidy criticism. I got a little scorched by you to, but I did appreciate some of your more technical critiques, although I'd love to debate others.
I quite liked this story, even though it was WAFF, or whatever, I love the idea of the inner dialogue coming to the surface. I wish someone could do that with every Vash/Meryl scene.
I read this by taking out the spoken words, then by taking out the thoughts. There's a lot of life in this fic.
The constant barrage of dialogue is a little fatiguing though. Perhaps the pacing could be directed toward one climax in the exchange. 3/4th of the way through is usually good. The ending was so very sweet and sad.
I'd like to see you write more Trigun. (The drabbles are not working for some reason) See you in fiction land!
Daisy Gurl chapter 1 . 12/20/2003
I write. I write a lot. For school, or on my own time. I write because I like to write. I get an average of 98.99 in Highschool English. Just because I write good for an assignment that decides if I pass or fail, does not mean I will write that same way for a fic that just gives me and my boyfriend some extra spuzz. One does not need flowery words or complicated grammer to be a good writer. One needs precise details and good language.
I don't care for you and your stupid drawings and I never even read this little fic of yours, so if you're ever ever gonna burn me again, do it in less words, if you would, please.
Thank you and good day.
Oh, and what was with the "ego" thing, because I have absolutely no ego or self-image or self-esteem, so go suck yourself.
Vashra BloodReeper chapter 1 . 11/24/2003
perfect with the vash x meryl. love this story very much. i enjoyed every word of it. :)
Cari Shidao chapter 1 . 11/5/2003
aw that was great. I lurve this fic! *higs fic*
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