Reviews for Precious Tears
MrsWizard98 chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
N'aww, that's so cute, yet sad. -tear-.

I think you wrote this very well. Keep up the (amazing) work!

ashleybett chapter 2 . 11/16/2010
i havent done anything yet but proofreading gives me something to do. Mayb a 3 ish
randomzchicka chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
WAHHHhHhHHHhhHH! THT'S SO SAD! Major tear jerker! Loved it anyways!
Nyx Nox chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
That was sad and well written. I'd love to beta for you. I'll message you in a little bit. I'm off to find my best work...
Dove's Wing chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
This was a really sweet and sad story. Irina's character can be intriguing, and not many fanfics feature her presence.

As for the betaing, I guess I have pretty good grammar and such. But I've never betaed anyone before, so I really don't know how it works. I'll PM you when I decide.
psychoticbookgirl chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
That was nice. Sweet, really. I enjoyed it.
amiculum chapter 2 . 7/4/2010
Well, I do want to beta, but I'm not always...uh... available. Sorry. So on a 1 to 10 scale, I'd say like 8. My grammar is great, so that's no problem. Check out my beta profile if you want.
Another Artist chapter 2 . 7/4/2010
Haha, before submitting this, I read the reviews to see who else wanted to be a beta. Little Lobster is crazy, 'cause I'm not that great. :)

Scale of 1-10: Probably either a 7 or 8. Only because I'm going to be gone after next Sunday and I probably can't beta. And, I'm betaing for screamattheskyx3

Qualifications: ... I've betaed for screamattheskyx3... and that's it? I don't really know... I guess I've been writing since the summer before grade six too.

Best Piece of Work: Fanfiction wise or anything wise? Because I really am not one to judge my own work, seeing as how I consider them all to be junk as well. Maybe some stories that have been betaed... meh... well, I guess you can just go look at my stories?

Anyway, I hope you find a beta :)
Another Artist chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
Aw, that was bittersweet, but in a good way. I like it. Irina was a great character in the series, but she doesn't have that many fanfics. Good job :)
Little Lobster chapter 2 . 7/4/2010
It was a very touching story. REALLY. It tugged at my heart. You captured Irina JUST perfectly. I know that she really isn't what she seems to be in the books. THAT is the real Irina, the Irina that wasn't clouded with the malicious acts of Isabel Kabra. FANTASTIC. Kudos to you.

And . . . about the beta thing, I'd LOVE to be your beta. I know that I'm not a REALLY good author, and that I can't even COMPARE to the great authors out there, like LW77, Muse, PBG, Amy, and troubadour12, but if you pick me, I swear that I'll do my best.

My best work will have to be . . . "The Christmas Bluebird". And, yeah, I've been a beta to HaveALittleFaith0213, Anagram RMX, and Azure Lynx 18, the last two's stories not being published yet.

~~*Little Lobster*~~

P.S. You still haven't accepted my Connections request.
Lapulta chapter 2 . 7/3/2010
Very nice .Pie. (I like pie too!) You put a lot of emotion into it. Keep writing. I'm going to start looking for your stories.

music4evah chapter 2 . 7/3/2010
Alright, first of all, I can't exactly say that your story was horrible... But I didn't love it. You know? Well, there were a couple typos, and... I already know what happened with Nikolai. Even though the made up moments are sweet, I just... didn't really feel all that impacted by it. Sorry... It was a sweet little story, though.

I would offer to be your beat. Really, I would. But I'm already betaing for a lot of people... So again, sorry.
TheWonton chapter 2 . 7/3/2010
Awesome I really like what you've done with this. This is the first Irina fic I've seen. I like it. About the beta thing, I can't do it. I'm far too busy as it is. Sorry. Update soon.
Joelle8 chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
Oh, wow... this was so incredibly sad, but so very well written. Excellent.
whirl with the wind chapter 2 . 7/3/2010
Ahem. Well, I'll review this piece first.

It was very good. The Irina stories out there are very, very scarse, and some of them, or at least one of them that I've seen, are...not that good. But I enjoyed this one.

I would certainly have edited parts of it...the first part was good, but the second part I would have added more details to. I mean, you got the good idea down, maybe reviewed the monkey bit too much...but I mean, still so good. Graveyard descriptions, maybe her feelings from a month later?

And I don't know if the monkey would have lasted that long...but still, it's a awesome ending line. But Irina's changed, right? So maybe I would have changed a few lines, here and there...

Sorry, I'm nit-picking. :( But honestly, overall, it was pretty awesome.

On the beta-ing bit...

Oh, what the heck, I'll just PM you.