Reviews for Playing Dress Up
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2016
KelseyO chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
ugh there's this really ugly animated ad about "1 tip for a tiny belly" and it's very distracting

ANYWAYS it was really nice to read about amy and rory after chugging so much rose/ten fic. it was cute as hell and i loved the line about the fake police officer waiting for her fake police box and the nurse not good enough to be the Doctor. brilliant.

also still crying over the bunnies part but it's fine i'm fine

and also, that last line is so fascinating to me, the concept of how she can't look ahead and see them together, but she can't fathom being right HERE and NOW without him. love it love it love it.
Wolfie chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Oh so sad, but what a lovely story. Amy Pond the girl who waited, and Rory Williams the boy who waited, they belong to each other.
Angela Jewell chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
I adore Rory more than words, but for some reason, Amy annoys me (as does River Song, though I understand *exactly* why she rubs me the wrong way, lol). Still though, this is an amazing story, and you captured them both perfectly. Their love story really is a sweet one, and I like how you developed their relationship from childhood to adult.
Randalish chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
When I first watched the series five première I wondered why Amy was marrying Rory. By the time I saw the finale it made sense; I could see why. And reading this story shows me -how- it could have happened. I like missing-pieces fan-fiction like this a lot.

This story captures the characters excellently. Rory's anger and second-best-issues, Amy and her abandonment issues and the Doctor's cheery carelessness as a big void in the middle of the story.

The hardest hitting part without a doubt is Amy's suicide attempt. How horrible must it be to indeed not know -why- because the memory is gone but the damage lingers? And how bad for Rory to be faced with this? It certainly lends a lot of weight to his career choice. On a meta-textual level it's an excellent extrapolation of the storyline of series 5 and makes the cracks that much more horrible.

Oh, by the way: Part of the reason I caught up with doctor Who is that I wanted to read your stories on it. (Okay, so I'm not caught up yet, but I finished series 5.) It was this story I wanted to read in particular because... well, because Rose annoys me whereas I like Amy. She started out being a fun and sassy character, but then along the way she started to become more tragic. Rory meanwhile upgraded himself from a wholehearted "meh" at first sight to a character I really liked and was rooting for which is no mean feat given the weight of a bad first impression.

I was glad to see this story deepen them both out. Thanks for writing.
The Enchanted Teakettle chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
This was so wonderful! Sorry for the super short review - I can't think of what else to add! XD
breezyyy chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
Really lovely story, beautifully well written!
KTxx chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
Words cannot describe how amazingly brilliantly this is. I loved it!
Luci-Marlena chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
it's perfect.

loved it.

Xx starlight-moon xX chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
This is perfect, you nailed both characters, and their relationship, perfectly. There's some great humour in here too ("a slutty Dora the Explorer", haha) and the angst always just hits the right note, without ever going overboard. Great work! :)
anemix chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
That was sweet, and I've never really thought of how the Doctor leaving affected Amelia Pond's life. Keep writing!


( . .)


kasterborous chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
THIS! ahh oh man this! I loved this! honestly the 'just amy tonight' line - my heart swelled with joy lol. you are amazing at making me feel something while reading your fics. (all of which are amazing) Which is the greatest compliment I can come up with. Thank you for that! Cheers.
MarisPallitax chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
so beautiful... third one i didn't get because i haven't read the catcher in the rye, but i'll look it up or something... :P
Ryan-Ookami chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
That was delightfully sweet and just perfectly capturing Amy and Rory. It's a pleasure to read and gives out plenty of smiles and warm fuzzies. Well done!

(note: literally did laugh out loud for the Dr. Livingstone reference, perfect moment.)
Winter Sapphire chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
This was fantastic! I wish I could think up a more coherent review, but just know that I really, really enjoyed this. :)

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