Reviews for I'll keep fighting!
pumpkinleslyn chapter 10 . 8/21/2013
OK, I know Alfred raped him, but he didn't deserve to die, I mean he could be put in a mental institution or something but not killed, its so sad, but the story was good
Moongirl12121 chapter 10 . 7/1/2012
Very nicely wrapped up, sad Alfred had to die, pissed that he raped Matthew at all.
Moongirl12121 chapter 7 . 7/1/2012
... Alfred is seriously freaking me out man...
Moongirl12121 chapter 4 . 7/1/2012
Its still awesome! Depressing, yet awesome!
Moongirl12121 chapter 2 . 6/16/2012
Moongirl12121 chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
Excitement punched me in da face whoa! This sounds so interesting and awesome!
Canada'sLittleMapleLover13 chapter 5 . 6/12/2012
awww, thats cute! Im glad they made up. :P
ziashapeshifter101 chapter 9 . 6/16/2011
SO PARANOID! WATCH YOUR BAAAACK! Oh my God I love that song.
ziashapeshifter101 chapter 5 . 6/16/2011
You, my dear, need to learn how to use a comma. I love the story, but the grammar is kinda annoying. Just a little something to think about.
Julesie chapter 10 . 7/31/2010
...Alfred ;.;

How could you kill him? I mean he's not even a favourite of mine but it was such a sudden twist. Seemed rather ooc, especially for Canada.

I'm shocked Alfred was killed off... I think he should have been tossed into a mental institute or something and had people help heal him. Maybe he could meet Lithuania or someone?

I like the plot of the story otherwise )
Stormy-chan59 chapter 10 . 6/15/2010
YAY! Happy End!

YAY! This was an AWESOME story, I really like it!

PruCan FTW!

Keep up the good work!

A Bleach-Drinking Hetalian chapter 10 . 6/14/2010
Ah, it was a happily ever after~

Exept for Al, because he's an ass.

This was a really good story!

I actually expected Al to keep up the 'Hero bro' thing at first..

I mean, the rape and death were unexpected, but they fit with the story, so all is well~

(Ne, remeber to switch the story progress from 'In-progress' to 'complete', otherwise people like me will think there's more to come.)

I do so hope you keep up the aweomse work in the future!

Stay aweomsE!

6( 7)/
TheIrishScone chapter 9 . 6/14/2010
What about one where Russia discovers Canada instead of France? And England doesn't get control of him? That would be an interesting fic... BTW-I really enjoyed reading this story, I didn't expect the twist with Alfred to die! The constant he/I say/said can get a bit redundant, but I think if you got a BETA reader you could get even better than you currently are. (would be willing to edit/BETA for you). I liked the characterization of a strong and emotionally aware Matthew and how you showed the war taking it's toll on the character personalities. Though I wish that had been expanded upon; it could have lengthened the story. Best of luck on any future endeavors!
A Bleach-Drinking Hetalian chapter 9 . 6/14/2010

You kinda brought it on yourself, Al...

AGH! But will they be caught, is the problem..

EH? I mean, America.. cone on! He's Pruben's, and there's nothing you can do about it! You're dead!

This is a really good story, please keep up the aweosme work!

( w)9
Stormy-chan59 chapter 9 . 6/14/2010
So now Al's dead...

Yeah Mattie, I guess he deserved it.

And you're finally reunited with Gil, so everything will turn ou all right

Yay for Happy Endings!

War is doing crazy things to people (at least from what I saw on TV and read in books...).

"Oh great speak of the devil and he shall appear the white haired bastard comes out of nowhere with his Nazi brother and Italian henchmen like Hitler himself to me." This line is really great! Even though Al's insane for even comparing Gil to that person, I think for Alfred it kinda...matches...don't know.

I just like that line

Good work. Next chapter is last then...huh...ideas? Just let everything get as happy as possible for Mattie

Good fic though, really!

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