Reviews for Terminator: Robot Storm
jeanymarie99 chapter 3 . 10/8/2017
can you at least make a fanfiction that the GDI and Nod from Tiberium Timeline was transported to Terminator Verse to help the Resistance against Skynet? Recommended units from Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath.
nestetris chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
Are you ever going to update this
jabbarulez chapter 3 . 9/27/2014
CnC factions versus skynetnexus? this is going to be a long war!
The Warty Hogg chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Do you have permission of the original author? Otherwise, it is very much not done to post another author's work without their permission. And, if you do have their permission, please post their name and the name of the original work. Thank you.
RogueMudblood chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
"Allow me to reiterate, this chapter is not mine, I post it to get the character's into position."

Now, from your profile:

5. Write a "Group of Characters read the Book in Which They are Featured" Fic. DO NOT DO IT. I'm sure I'm hurting some feelings with this, but there is a very good reason not to. I have never, ever, read one of these that wasn't a horendous work of plagiarism. Yes, it's fun and funny to see how Draco Malfoy responds to the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Super. BUT. You can't write this fic without copying massive amounts of the author's original work. I've seen entire chapters of novels retyped. The fact that the "writer" (aka typist) used quotation marks didn't change the fact that I could have read the original author's story without paying for it. This is plagiarism, not fanfiction. It is illegal, unethical, and stupid.


10. Be Evil. This is for everyone and anyone out there who reads or writes fan fic. It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be friendly. If you're one of those withered souls who looks for opportunities to rain on everyone else's parade, get lost. We don't need you. Criticism should be constructive, plagiarism should be utterly foreign, and you should never poke someone just to see if they bleed.

You really do need to follow your own advice. Posting someone else's work is PLAGIARISM. You recognize this, and yet you do it? THAT'S **evil** as you put it.
Brandon Vortex chapter 3 . 9/3/2012
dude please continued!
Handepsilon chapter 3 . 9/1/2010
That was a great war there! Does the mod need RA2 expansion set?