Reviews for Hunt for the Volturi
Little Liar chapter 4 . 8/6/2017
bleachfairy chapter 4 . 10/3/2012
Nice job it was wonderfully written. I would have thought it was a real episode if I didn't know better
bleachfairy chapter 3 . 10/3/2012
I admit I am a huge twilight fan but I really enjoyed that. I have a soft spot for complete destruction. Alacard is the coolest vampire ever.
LunarCatNinja chapter 4 . 7/24/2012
*Sigh* This story is so humorous. I love it. W
ardentes chapter 4 . 12/22/2011
I enjoyed Twilight when I was a bit younger, having something to gossip about with friends and whatnot, but I really enjoyed this story. I found the last chapter a bit less satisfying because Caius, Marcus, and Aro seemed to just stand there, but I still enjoyed the story. I loved how you ended it with Alucard inciting Integra's anger, just like he does in the series. I loved the story!
roo17 chapter 4 . 10/30/2010
I loved it! :D :D
PhoenixWytch chapter 4 . 9/12/2010

Thanks for writing.
alichi chapter 4 . 6/13/2010
Ah, love these kinda fics. The Twilight-series truly is an abomination when compared to Hellsing. Or any other vampire-themed work really.

Btw, if it really is complete, I'd recommend tagging it as such.
Master of the Boot chapter 4 . 6/11/2010
this was fun to read and good job on your first story. It needs work but I wasn't exactly Shakespeare when I started writing fanfiction.

Your biggest weakness is that you recycle Alucard lines.

Ah, now that's done, I just hope that somebody gives the Major the death that he deserves.


Master of teh Boot
FallenGoddessOfBattle chapter 4 . 6/9/2010
Okay, chapter 3 was fun, lots of blood and gore!

My only problem with it was the fact that you'd used lines from the fight between Alucard and the Valintine brothers... If you'd had your own lines i think it would've been better. You do seem able to write a manic Alucard kinda well!

Chapter 4 was kinda short and sudden.

I'd have loved to see the Volturi getting a look at how a proper vampire fights, that or that guy who can see what you've seen(?) with one touch (no idea what his name is) acually touching Alucard and having a panic attack...

Kinda sad that its over now... do you think you could do the same thing to the Cullens some time?
Master of the Boot chapter 3 . 6/9/2010
You suffered a major hitch here. You pretty much took Alucard and gave him recycled lines. Try to invent your own, because he's just repeating the Luke Valentine fight.

Seras fight was a little more entertaining.


Master of the Boot
Master of the Boot chapter 2 . 6/9/2010
I'll admitt that it's rare to see one of these fics be well written. And this is well written, I assure you.

For a non-fan you actually did a very good job at the characterization

Though to be fair, instead of the JAckal and Casuall Alucard should have fought them with a cigarette lighter and some hairspray :)

Alec nearly got Alucard there, but he's much too big for any of them to handle.

I guess the reason that I'm a twi-fan is that I don't take vampires very seriously.


Master of the Boot
Master of the Boot chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
I'm a fan of Twilight but so far I'm nodding in approval of this story. Hellsing is the greatest vampire story in the world and I do love Seras so much.

This sounds like it ought to be a lot of fun. If I may ask, will you demonstrate in later chapters why Iscariot hasn't gotten to these bastards?


Master of the Boot
FallenGoddessOfBattle chapter 2 . 6/4/2010
hahahahahaha! i love this! fantastic - i came in looking for a twilight carnage story and i found this! thank you!

please update again soon, i look forward to reading more of alucard causing mayhem and carnage!