Reviews for Slipping
Girl with the Broken Smile0 chapter 14 . 11/29/2017
I love this story so much and BURN NOTICE OMG I CANT! I just started watching this show and Im on season 4! MICHAEL IS A BEAUTIFUL MAN WHO I LOVE SEEING WHUMPED. I know that is messed up but it keeps my heart pumping. LOVE HIM SO MUCH. GREAT STORY. I want to write burn notice fanfiction but I havent got the time rn.
bogey174 chapter 29 . 4/14/2016
Bravo, what a wonderful ending to a very, very good story. It could easily have been a two part finale to season six which could have used your wonderful script. I'm surprised that you only had one story in you; but we fanfic readers are lucky you posted it for us to enjoy even long after the series has ended. Thank you! Hope you're enjoying your retirement.
bogey174 chapter 9 . 4/7/2016
What a fantastic story you're spinning; I love it! Especially like Michael wishing he could "snap" like Sam.
kimrene93 chapter 13 . 7/17/2015
I don't review often but I just had to with this story. I have only read 13 chapters and I LOVE it! I love reading fanfics because of the great unknown authors out there like yourself. You are amazing, keep writing!
Nerd-Herd-27 chapter 29 . 6/1/2015
This may just be the best Burn Notice fan fiction I have ever read.

No, scratch that. This IS the best Burn Notice fan fiction I've ever read, and this may or may not be the second or third time I've read it! You capture the characters very well in my opinion, without making them too cliché. I love all the humor you added in at just the right moments. Also, the line where Maddy kills Larry is so awesome! I'm not sure if you're a Harry Potter fan, but it reminded me of Mrs. Weasley's "Not my daughter, you (you-know-what)!" before killing Bellatrix.

Also, I noticed that you didn't use many (or maybe none at all) curse words in your dialogue, and this made me happy. You even had them say "gosh"! Most authors have the characters shouting obscenities all the time, and I feel this actually takes away from the seriousness of the situation. But you were able to get their emotions across very smoothly, without swearing like a sailor, so kudos to you! :)

Anyways, this is a long review, and I'm going to end it here. Thanks for sharing this story with us!

Guest chapter 29 . 4/1/2015
We're ready for the sequel...

Late2BN chapter 29 . 1/3/2015
I hope you still get your reviews for your story! I enjoyed your writing very much. Thanks for writing it and leaving it up for us future fans of all things BN.
Guest chapter 29 . 10/13/2014
Yes we definitely like it! Julieta
7822 chapter 6 . 10/10/2014
Guest chapter 17 . 9/21/2014
Did Fi clean his legs too? Is Barnsdale checking his urine output, writing temps etc in a chart? Love this story. Reading it for about the 20th time. Julieta
Guest chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
Was the Foley set after the XRays? Maybe right before irrigation of wound. If before sedatives, then that was the worst time. Blood? No, that was a mistake, Barnsdale does not have blood stashed. A scene is missing of his mother or friends donating blood. Julieta
Guest chapter 19 . 9/20/2014
Its been days, does Mike ever eat? Or is he getting intravenous nutrition? He needs food. Julieta .
Guest chapter 23 . 8/27/2014
I'm reading your story AGAIN! It's about the 20th time... My favorite. Julieta
JulBram chapter 29 . 1/10/2014
Well, overall this is my MOST favorite fan fiction story. I've read it about 17 times, maybe more. This last chapter disturbs me a little because of inconsistencies such as how is Sam driving himself around if he's still far to go in healing. They should have mentioned Barnsdale since they should give him lots of money as thank you. He'll buy a good respirator, an extra hospital bed, more equipment and will be able to hire a surgical assistant occasionally plus a nurse and some veterinary techs to assist him with the clinic and farm. I hope to read about their visiting him to give him the good news, plus simply visiting... Plus needing his services again and again...
JulBram chapter 28 . 1/10/2014
Hmm, although this is a really fun and beautiful way to end the story, this chapter shouldn't exist. This chapter makes this story leave the real burn notice story line, but without it, it would fit well, so I need to disregard it. Furthermore, from the killing day to this day about 7 to 10 days have to pass. I've written some filler but don't know how to post it. Mike is still in poor shape, still a patient, even if only in the cot. He can't be walking to the pasture after having coffee the same day the shower, the killing, and the FBI and police visit happen. Sam is still a lay-down serious patient in need of Maddie's, Fiona's and Barnsdale's care. If we can have Nate, Virgil and Jesse help it would be just perfect . Love the story but not the timeline in this chapter.
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