Reviews for Paperwork
lainavitt chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
Oh these two idiots. *pats them lovingly*

This is actually my second time reading after a few years. But now I'm thinking about how in real life, as they get older, Naruto could start feeling unappreciated and get tired of always initiating (being rebuffed doesn't exactly help your self-esteem) and Sasuke could start feeling unappreciated and tired of always being the responsible one who has to be the parent (instead of being able to rely on another adult sometimes) and it turns into a big deal and hopefully these two have figured out how to talk about their feelings before then because that is an awfully long time to be fwb and how can that last if they never lay things out. Although it seems like they probably did at the beginning saying it's not a relationship.

But don't mind me. It was a fun read, really got across the dynamics of their relationship, like scully and mulder. They're just so perfect and hilarious together.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
so in denial...
JellyBeanBo chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Your last sentence succinctly sums up their relationship. Kudos for this lovely read!
giuntronvo chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
ooh this one...

hard to say, this is exactly the style of story i would save in my fav list, and re-read again from times to times after a long-hour working day. Nothing dramatic, just kind-of domestic things. The one who recommended it to me said that these are the sort of stories that brough out OTP feelings. I dont have an OTP (or honestly dont know what that is, despite having been reading manga for 15 years ) but story like this blows away the bad days, and, let just say it in a sappy way, fills the heart with warm and love.

So thank you for writing it. May i add you in my list of fav author and follow your writing from now on.
grumpikachu chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
Yes, truly a professional relationship. -snickers-

And oh God, oh God...
"Though, in retrospect, he probably got protein from sucking Naruto off so much."

Can I just... sit here and stare at this sentence in awe while laughing my mental ass off... can I...
Chikari chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
aww cute! good story c:
JSinuYasha chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
this was so cute and beautiful, i loved the last line.
Azh Hikari chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Sweet, so full of bluff and deniability (from Sasuke of course) I can't stop smiling through the story.

Thank you so much sharing this
hgjasdf chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Beautiful. Unspoken words are sometimes the ones that mean the most. And your fic brought that out very nicely. Love the (mushy if I squint) ending and it was perfect.

Going straight into my favourites.
Anonimasu chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
They're profilers! Sorry I sort of guessed that in the beginning and I was thrilled to be right. Every part of a relationship was in that day. I really want to know how many times Naruto calls him frigid in a day.
KuroChaos01 chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
WOW I really really liked this. It was a beautiful take on a romance they both deny. I was really quite pleased with the fact that you didn't just box the information into being just about their love life. You had their jobs, aspects of their personality and their other day to day life things, which gave it some depth and background. The end sentence was a perfect ending and summed everything up. So good job on a fantastic one-shot :) xx
BadCook chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
This is actually awesomely pretty.

Though I don't get some parts of it.

I'll have to reread it a few more times.

MoshiMoshiQueen chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Nice work!
sylver rain chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
very nicely done ;)
Chumpette chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
Love, love, love this. Your characterization of Sasuke was yes. Characterization of Naruto was also yes. Love it.

PS, um your avatar is absolutely awesome. You should tell me where it came from.

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