Reviews for Heroes for Ghosts
WhatAmIDoingHere chapter 10 . 8/17/2018
Of all your wonderful Supernatural stories, I love this one the most. Thank you (again) for the gift of your time and talent. Hope springs eternal you will someday head back to this show.
Chick Feed chapter 10 . 2/13/2018
Totally captivating and enthralling! Came across this by accident, read it as I'm just producing chap 5 of a story where I've taken S & D go back to the old west, wanted to make sure mine wasn't going to look like a copy of your story (it doesn't, thankfully). I have thoroughly enjoyed getting lost inside this fic. Thank you for such great writing.
Chick xxxx
Aggiedoll chapter 10 . 9/27/2017
Thank you for a wonderful story! You always manage to bring deeper meaning to the things that actually happen in the show... giving your characters the depth the show often only hints on (or leaves to the actors to bring out). I loved how you made the whole 1870 trip feel so real, you really take your readers with you (back in time AND into your characters!). Chapeau!
Anonymous chapter 9 . 9/27/2017
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
I've read tons and tons of your stories, and I've got to say, this one certainly does not disappoint. I know it's probably a while since you wrote this one, and this review is less of a "review" and more of a "ohmygoshthiswasthebeststoryever" kind of thing, but I hope you'll see this anyways. This story -and all of your stories, really- has so many different elements that just tie it together and make shivers run down my back, as well as the plethora of details and description that make my heart jump. I love every single little thing, especially that last part with McAdams; you just give readers the feeling that everything is tied up and it leaves them with more-than-satisfaction with the end. Gosh, I have so much more to say about your WONDERFUL AMAZING writing; you are, no doubt, the best writer I've ever encountered on any writing site, ever. You just seem to make the plot flow, with all these little seemingly unimportant details later coming back as essential aspects of the story. GAH- you are one of the writers I truly look up to, right up there with those other award-winning famous authors (JK Rowling, etc). You somehow incorporate humor all throughout the story despite the seriousness of the situation too, and you capture the brothers' characters SO WELL its like I'm watching an actual supernatural episode. I actually take almost as much enjoyment reading your fics as I do watching the actual show. Alright, I know I'm ranting a bit now, but I cannot seem to express how talented your writing skills are and how amazing and breath-taking your stories are.
Stay awesome, Gaelicspirit! I hope to see more of your fics soon!
Prince of Leaves chapter 6 . 5/12/2016
This is an amazing story. Wonderful writing. Thankyou.
LeeMarieJack chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
This is a great story. Well written, fast pawed and tightly constructed.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
I think this might be one of my favourite SPN fics. I love reading season 1 stories that are written ages later, after the author has seen like season 5 or 10 :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
Rebegirl chapter 10 . 11/11/2014
I loved every single thing about this story! It is hard to find good multi-chapter stories and this one was great. Every chapter kept me wanting more and the story never dragged. There was even a good helping of HurtSam to keep me happy :)
I also love the way you weave canon with your fiction. Everything about the Colt was interesting and fit will with what we know about the lore.
And, your OCs are so interesting and fun to follow.
Thanks for keeping me entertained!
Cihuacoatl chapter 10 . 3/15/2014
I really enjoyed this. Thanks for writing :-)
Yoline Nimai chapter 10 . 12/28/2013
Thank you for that story, I had a lot of fun reading it!
Guest chapter 10 . 12/4/2013
Wow! You keep me goin in this boring town! No electricity therefore o tv...21st century huh? I look forward to ur next hooked wit u
Freya922 chapter 10 . 9/8/2013
I wouldn't have thought this could continue to be so intense even two chapters after the main in-the-past action ended. Fantastic tie in back to the future. I love the fact that the 'ringer' Colt was the one Dean had used back then. As always your description of the boys' inner worlds and thoughts was compelling. I nearly wept for Dean as you gave us all that was going on inside his heart and head in a Salvation. Awesome job all the way around.
Freya922 chapter 9 . 9/7/2013
The plot of this story was gripping m, and I loved the OCs, especially Zeke and Bird. This chapter, though, focusing on the aftermath, was just excellent. What great interplay between the brothers. You capture their vulnerabilities so perfectly, and their interaction, too.
Talon chapter 3 . 9/6/2013
The horse's eyes were already on his master and he followed Zeke down the dirt street at a quick trot, Sam flopping loosely on his back gasping a nervous, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod…."

This. I cracked up, because that'd be my reaction, too, lol. xD Anyhow, really enjoying this so far!
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